Call for Papers Manufacturing System Design '97

Heiko Gsell <>
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From: Heiko Gsell <>
Subject: Call for Papers Manufacturing System Design '97
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Manufacturing System Design =9197 Conference

Conference Objectives:
The objectives of the Manufacturing System Design '97 Conference
are to present new developments in the field of manufacturing
systems. It provides a unique forum to address problems and new
approaches in the fields of design and evaluation of modern
manufacturing systems and organization structures. This includes
frequent technological and organizational changes, and the need for
accurate initial specification for advanced manufacturing technologies
The conference structure of sessions will allow participants to follow
their own particular needs. Separate sessions will cover theoretical
aspects and industrial cases. The conference program will leave room
for discussions and exchanges of views. The conference is also a
meeting place for new initiatives for joint work between research and
practice in the field of manufacturing system design.

Conference Topics:
This conference will put special emphasis on the following new
- Manufacturing Strategies
- Culture and Manufacturing
- Business, Engineering and Manufacturing Flow Concept
- Intelligent Manufacturing Components
- Global Manufacturing
- Information System Design
- Target and Process Costs

Conference Location:
Chamber of Industry and Commerce Magdeburg
Address:=09Alter Markt 8
=09D-39104 Magdeburg

Official Language:
The official language of the conference is English.

The profile of participants - both in the role of speaker and audience - =
=0Ais the following: In the first place, the scientific community in the fi=
eld =0Aof manufacturing systems will be represented, but also professionals=
 =0Ain this field, such as production managers, production and materials =
=0Amanagement experts, logistics engineers, consulting and software =0Aexpe=
rts and education managers are invited. The number of 150 =0Aparticipants a=
re anticipated.

Participation is open to all persons interested in manufacturing =0Asystems=
. Please fill out the declaration of interest to give us an idea =0Ahow muc=
h persons will participate at the MSD =9297 Conference. We will =0Asend you=
 further information concerning hotels near the conference =0Alocation and =
an official registration form. Registration fee is as follows:
Speakers:=09U.S. $ 150 or DM 200
Audience: =09U.S. $ 300 or DM 400

- Participants from outside Germany can pay in dollar
- Residents in Germany pay in DM

The registration fee covers all of the following items:
- Admission to the conference sessions
- One copy of the conference =09proceedings
- Welcome reception and banquet
- Lunch on each day of the conference
- Refreshments

The accepted papers will be refereed and published in the bound =0Aproceedi=
ngs. The proceedings will be published in book form for =0Adistribution to =
conference attendees. All participants will receive one =0Acopy of the conference proceedings =
at the registration desk.

Invitation to Present a Paper:
MSD '97 intends to cover the world-wide state-of-the-art and future of =0Am=
anufacturing system design. Researchers and practitioners with =0Acontribut=
ion are invited to submit papers. Abstracts of 3-4 pages (A4 =0Asize, 1.5-l=
ine spacing, including figures) should be submitted to the =0Aconference se=
cretariat by July 31, 1996. The abstract should start with =0Ashort remarks=
 on the following points:

1. Initial conditions and problems
2. Objectives of the paper
3. Procedures used to obtain the results
4. Main results
5. Groups interested in the results
6. Status (idea, prototype, product ...)
7. Keywords

Contributors are requested to send the abstract written in English to:
Conference Secretariat MSD '97
Fraunhofer-Institute for Factory=20
Operation and Automation IFF
Steinfeldstrasse 3
D-39179 Barleben
Coordination: Heiko Gsell
Phone: +49 (0)39203/816-15
Fax: +49 (0)39203/816-19

Schedule Milestones:
Submission of extended abstract: July 31, 1996
Notification of abstract selection: September 30, 1996
Submission of camera-ready copy of full  paper: February 28, 1997
Proceedings publication: March 31, 1997
Conference: May 14-16, 1997

Conference Chairman:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hermann K=FChnle
Institute for Ergonomics, Manufacturing
Systems and Automation=20
of Magdeburg
Fraunhofer-Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF
Magdeburg, Germany
Phone: + 49 (0)391/67-1 86 17
Fax: + 49 (0)391/67-1 24 04

International Program Committee Chairman:
Prof. A. Haurat
Ecole Superieure D=92Ingenieurs D=92Annecy
Universit=E9 de Savoie
Annecy, France
Phone: + 33/50 66 60 80
Fax: + 33/50 66 60 20

International Program Committee:
G. Zeichen (Co-Chair), Technische Universit=E4t Wien, Austria=20
P. Bunce, CAM-I Inc., UK
A.S. Carrie, University of Strathclyde, UK
M. Gregory, University of Cambridge, UK
J.N.D. Gupta, Ball State University, USA
H. Herold, Universit=E4t Magdeburg, Germany
G. Kocziszky, University of Miskolc, Hungary
F.-L. Krause, Fraunhofer IPK, Germany
A. Krsek, Slovak Technical University, Slovakia
H. K=FChnle, Universit=E4t Magdeburg, Germany
F. Lierath, Universit=E4t Magdeburg, Germany
T.. Tomiyama, University of Tokyo, Japan
M. Toyama, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan

For further information please send an e-mail to

Heiko Gsell
Fraunhofer-Institute for
Factory Operation and Automation
Steinfeldstrasse 3
D-39179 Magdeburg-Barleben

phone: ++49 (0)39203 816-15
fax: ++49 (0)39203 816-19