Agenda, Time, and Place for AAAI Meeting -- RSVP Please
Richard Fikes <pwtc!>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 90 11:51 PDT
From: Richard Fikes <pwtc!>
Subject: Agenda, Time, and Place for AAAI Meeting -- RSVP Please
Cc: pwtc!
Message-id: <>
These are the particulars for the upcoming interlingua meeting at AAAI.
Time and location: Wednesday, August 1, 1:00 - 6:00 PM
Beacon Room A
Sheraton Boston Hotel & Towers
39 Dalton Street
We will need to end the meeting at 6:00 rather than 7:00 as previously
planned because the AAAI is holding a reception and dinner that evening
for the newly elected "AAAI fellows" that involves several people in our
Lunch will be served at 1:00. I need an RSVP from each of you to
establish a head count for the lunch.
Mike is preparing a new version of the living standards document for
discussion at the meeting. He will make it available to you via e-mail
sometime next week. Please obtain a copy of it and read it before the
meeting. This version will be a first attempt at putting the document
into the structure that we agreed on at the workshop. Namely, a section
describing the portions of the interlingua on which the group agrees, a
section on proposals for changes or additions to the interlingua that
are under consideration by the group, a section on open issues, and a
section of examples. Mike will provide a best guess as to which parts
of the specification belong in the "accepted" section and which in the
"proposed" section. A primary task at the meeting will be to determine
what parts of the specification we are prepared to accept as a group and
what parts not. For those that are proposed but not accepted, we need
to establish a procedure for coming to a decision on the proposals. The
overall goal is to activate our plan of having a version of the document
available for distribution on an ongoing basis by early October when the
KR Standards Steering Committee has its next meeting.
The two significant technical areas which I want us to address at the
meeting are definitions and default knowledge. I expect there to be an
updated proposal on default knowledge in the new version of the living
document from Guha and Mike. I have asked Vladimir Lifschitz and David
Etherington to review the proposal and provide us with comments at the
meeting. Vladimir will not be at AAAI, but will provide us with written
comments. David will be at the meeting. So, the agenda will include a
brief summary presentation of the proposal by either Guha or Mike,
comments by David, and then discussion by the group. With respect to
definitions, I am hopeful that we will have a new proposal to present at
the meeting. At the very least, we will seek to move the discussion
forward that has been ocurring via e-mail and establish a requirements
spec for an acceptable interlingua definitions facility.
There will be several new faces at the meeting in addition to David
Etherington. Dave MacAllester and Tim Finin plan to be there and other
invitations are being made.