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Received Fellowships or Scholarships from the following organizations:
Moulin B., Rousseau D. (1996). "An Approach for Modelling and Simulating Conversations." Essays in Speech Act Theory, D. Vanderveken and D. Kubo eds, John Benjamins Publishing Company. Also Technical Report DIUL-RR-9402, Laval University, Computer Science Department, May 1994.
Rousseau D., Moulin B., Lapalme G. (1997). "Interpreting Communicative Acts and Building a Conversation Model." To be published in Journal on Natural Language Engineering.
Rousseau D., Hayes-Roth B. (1997). "La personnalité dans les acteurs synthétiques." To be published in Analyse de Systèmes. Also Technical Report KSL-96-28, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University, 1996.
Moulin B., Rousseau D. (1994). "SACD: a System for Acquiring Knowledge from Regulatory Texts." In International Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering, Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 131-149.
Rousseau D. (1993). "Un mécanisme de coopération entre agents: le dialogue." In Analyse de Systèmes, Vol. 19, Nos. 1-2, March-June 1993, pp. 93-119.
Moulin B., Rousseau D. (1992). "Automated Knowledge Acquisition from Regulatory Texts." In IEEE Expert Intelligent Systems & their Applications, Vol. 7, No. 5, October 1992, pp. 27-35.
Moulin B., Rousseau D. (1990). "Designing Deontic Knowledge Bases from Regulation Texts." In Knowledge-Based Systems Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2, June 1990, pp. 108-120.
Moulin B., Rousseau D. (1990). "Un outil pour l'acquisition des connaissances à partir de textes prescriptifs." In Magazine ICO Québec, Vol. 2, No. 6, February 1990, pp. 27-42.
Rousseau D., Moulin B. (1996). "Une approche multi-agent pour la modélisation et la simulation de conversations." Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Science and Natural Language ILN'96, Université de Nantes, France, October 1996, pp. 531-558.
Moulin B, Rousseau D., Lapalme G. (1994). "A Multi-Agent Approach for Modelling Conversations." Proceedings of the International Avignon Conference AI 94, Natural Language Processing Sub-Conference, Paris, France, June 1994, pp. 35-50.
Rousseau D., Moulin B., Lapalme G. (1994). "Une approche multi-agent pour modéliser les conversations." Proceedings of the Second French Days on Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Multi-agent Systems, Voiron, France, May 1994, pp. 3-14.
Rousseau D., Moulin B., Lapalme G. (1993). "Modélisation des conversations basée sur une perspective de systèmes multi-agents." Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Science and Natural Language ILN'93, Université de Nantes, France, December 1993, pp. 129-150.
Moulin B., Rousseau D. (1992). "Traitement des renvois dans les textes prescriptifs pour l'élaboration des connaissances déontiques." Proceedings of the International Conference on Expert Systems and their Applications, Avignon, France, June 1992.
Moulin B., Rousseau D. (1991). "Structuration d'une base de connaissances à partir des connaissances extraites de textes prescriptifs." Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Science and Natural Language ILN'91, Université de Nantes, France, December January 1991, pp. 129-150.
Moulin B., Rousseau D. (1990). "Knowledge Acquisition from Prescriptive Texts." Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems IEA/AI/-90, Charleston, July 1990.
Moulin B., Rousseau D. (1990). "Structuration d'une base de connaissances déontiques à partir du contenu de textes prescriptifs." Proceedings of the International Conference on Expert Systems and their Applications, Avignon, France, May 1990.
Moulin B., Rousseau D. (1989). "Analyse de textes prescriptifs pour la génération de bases de connaissances déontiques." Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive Computer Science in Organizations ICO'89, L'interdisciplinaire, Quebec City, Canada, June 1989.
Moulin B., Rousseau D. (1989). "Conception de bases de connaissances déontiques pour la consultation de textes de règlement." Proceedings of the International Conference on Expert Systems and their Applications, Avignon, France, May 1989.
Boulet M.-M., Moulin B., Pierre R., Rousseau D., Simian G. (1988). "Logiciel d'aide à la conception de bases de connaissances déontiques à partir de l'analyse de textes de règlement." Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Language Description in Computer Applications, Research center on bilinguism, Quebec City, Canada, December 1988.
Rousseau D., Moulin B. (1997). "Mixed Initiative in Interactions between Software Agents." Proceedings of the 1997 Spring Symposium on Computer Models for Mixed Initiative Interaction, AAAI Press, Portland, Oregon, March 1997.
Rousseau D. (1996). "Personality in Computer Characters." Proceedings of the 1996 AAAI Workshop on Entertainment and AI / A-Life, AAAI Press, Portland, Oregon, August 1996, pp. 38-43.
Rousseau D., Moulin B., Lapalme G. (1994). "Representation and Simulation of Conversations." Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Natural Language Understanding in Integrated Systems, Stanford University, California, March 1994.
Rousseau D., Moulin B., Lapalme G. (1994). "Believable Agents in Conversations." Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Believable Agents, Stanford University, California, March 1994, pp. 73-77.
Rousseau D., Lapalme G., Moulin B. (1993). "A Model of Speech Act Planner Adapted to Multi-Agent Universes." Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Intentionality and Structure in Discourse Relations, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, June 1993, pp. 110-113.
Moulin B., Rousseau D. (1991). "Extracting Logical Knowledge from Prescriptive Texts in order to Build Deontic Knowledge Bases." Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems, Banff, Canada, November 1991.
Moulin B., Rousseau D., Vanderveken D. (1991). "Speech Acts in a Connected Discourse: a Semantic Representation based on the Conceptual Graph Theory." Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Workshop on Conceptual Graphs, State University of New York, Binghamton, New York, July 1991, pp. 269-281.
Moulin B., Rousseau D. (1990). "A Knowledge Acquisition System for Analyzing Prescriptive Texts." Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems, Banff, Canada, November 1990.
Rousseau D., Hayes-Roth B. (1996). Personality in Synthetic Agents. Technical Report KSL 96-21, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University.
Rousseau D. (1995). Modélisation et simulation de conversations dans un univers multi-agent. Ph.D. dissertation and Technical Report # 993, Department of Computer Science and Operational Research, University of Montreal.
Moulin B., Rousseau D. (1990). A Knowledge Acquisition System for Analyzing Prescriptive Texts. Technical Report DIUL-RR-9012, Laval University, Computer Science Department.
Moulin B., Rousseau D. (1990). SACD: un système d'acquisition de connaissances déontiques. Technical Report accepted by CEFRIO, Laval University.
Côté D., Rousseau D., Moulin B. (1989). METACOMP2: un métacompilateur pour la génération de compilateurs de grammaires sans contexte. Technical Report DIUL-RR-8901, Laval University, Computer Science Department.
Moulin B., Rousseau D. (1989). Un système d'acquisition des connaissances pour le traitement de textes prescriptifs. Technical report accepted by CEFRIO, Laval University.
Moulin B., Rousseau D. (1988). Utilisation d'un métacompilateur à base d'arbres infinis en prolog II. Technical Report DIUL-RR-8803, Laval University, Computer Science Department.