KBCS-96 (2nd CFP) Deadline Extended
KBCS Word Processing <kbcs@konark.ncst.ernet.in>
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 1996 18:53:22 +0500 (GMT)
From: KBCS Word Processing <kbcs@konark.ncst.ernet.in>
Message-id: <199606261353.SAA01161@konark.ncst.ernet.in>
To: srkb@cs.umbc.edu
Subject: KBCS-96 (2nd CFP) Deadline Extended
Sender: owner-srkb@cs.umbc.edu
Precedence: bulk
Second Call for Papers
National Centre for Software Technology
Bombay, India
December 16-18, 1996
URL : http://konark.ncst.ernet.in/~kbcs/kbcs96.html
The International Conference on Knowledge Based Computer Systems will be held
in Bombay, India during December 16-18, 1996. The conference is intended to
act as a forum for promoting interaction among researchers in the field of
Artificial Intelligence in India and abroad. There will be a two day
conference during December 16-17, 1996 followed by one day of
post-conference tutorials on December 18, 1996.
Papers are invited on substantial, original and unpublished research on
all aspects of Artificial Intelligence, including, but not limited to the
o AI Applications o AI Architectures
o Artificial Life o Automatic Programming
o Cognitive Modeling o Expert Systems
o Foundations of AI o Genetic Algorithms
o Information Retrieval o Intelligent Tutoring Systems
o Knowledge Acquisition o Knowledge Representation
o Machine Learning o Machine Translation
o Natural Language Processing o Neural Networks
o Planning and Scheduling o Reasoning
o Robotics o Search Techniques
o Speech Processing o Theorem Proving
o Uncertainty Handling o User Interfaces
o User Modeling o Vision
Programme Committee:
S. Arunkumar, IIT, Bombay Amitava Bagchi, IIM, Calcutta
Pushpak Bhattacharya, IIT, Bombay Margaret A. Boden, U of Sussex, UK
Nick Cercone, U of Regina, Canada B. B. Chaudhuri, ISI, Calcutta
R. Chandrasekar, NCST, Bombay S. K. Goyal, GTE Labs , USA
S. S. Gupta, TUL, Bombay J. R. Isaac, NIIT, New Delhi
Aravind K. Joshi, R. A. Kowalski, Imperial College, UK
U of Pennsylvania, USA
H. N. Mahabala, INFOSYS, Bangalore M. Narasimha Murthy, IISc, Bangalore
R. Narasimhan, CMC, Bangalore S. Ramani, NCST, Bombay (Chair)
P. V. S. Rao, TIFR, Bombay Patrick Saint-Dizier,
U of Paul Sabatier, France
R. Sangal, IIT, Kanpur R. Uthurusamy, GMR, USA
M. Vidyasagar, CAIR, Bangalore
Format of Submission:
Authors should submit their papers, not to exceed 5000 words (including
figures and references) either electronically or in hard copy. Papers
should be in English. Papers should include an abstract of about 100-200
words in length. Papers outside the specified length are subject to
rejection without review. Since reviewing will be "blind", the authors'
names and affiliations along with the main area of the paper should be given
only on a separate cover sheet. Hard copy submissions should be sent in
triplicate. Papers in electronic form can be in any of the following
formats: plain text, Postscript, Latex, Microsoft Word, or Wordstar.
Submissions in electronic form are preferred.
Send papers to the KBCS-96 Secretariat at the address below.
Paper Submission Deadlines:
o Papers due: August 15, 1996
o Acceptance Notification: October 15, 1996
o Camera Ready Copy due: December 1, 1996
Call for Tutorials:
Proposals are invited for post-conference tutorials. Tutorials can be
half-day or full-day, and will be held on December 18th, 1996. The
proposal should be presented in the form of a 200-word abstract, one page
topical outline of the content, description of the proposers and their
qualifications relating to the tutorial content.
Tutorial Submission Deadlines:
o Proposal Submission: July 31, 1996
o Acceptance Notification: August 31, 1996
o Complete Tutorial materials due: December 1, 1996
Send proposals to the KBCS-96 Secretariat at the address below.
Organizing Committee:
George Arakal, NCST (Chair) K.S.R. Anjaneyulu, NCST
P. Ravi Prakash, NCST Durgesh D. Rao, NCST
M. Sasikumar, NCST T. Suresh, NCST
For further information please refer to the KBCS-96 home page or
write to the KBCS-96 Secretariat.
KBCS-96 Secretariat Phone : +91 (22) 620 1606
National Centre for Software Technology Fax : +91 (22) 621 0139
Gulmohar Cross Rd No. 9 E-mail : kbcs@konark.ncst.ernet.in
Juhu, Bombay 400 049, India
URL : http://konark.ncst.ernet.in/~kbcs/kbcs96.html