Description Logics 96 - Call for Papers

Enrico Franconi <>
From: Enrico Franconi  <>
Date: Fri, 3 May 1996 11:26:00 +0200
Message-id: <199605030926.LAA18206@che-guevara>
Subject: Description Logics 96 - Call for Papers
Precedence: bulk
           1996 International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'96) 

                             November 2-4, 1996 
                               Boston MA, USA

                               CALL FOR PAPERS

The 1996 International   Workshop on    Description Logics  continues    the
tradition of international workshops devoted  to discussing developments and
applications   of  description-oriented knowledge  representation formalisms
based  on logic.  The  Workshop  will be  held   in Boston, 2-4th  November,
immediately prior to KR'96.

The intention is for workshop format to include  a lot of discussion, rather
than  many paper  presentations.  Presentation of  current work  will be via
papers in the proceedings and/or in informal discussions.


Subjects to be addressed include the following:

-- Foundations of  Description Logics, including distinguishing features  of
Description  Logics with respect   to other formalisms,  expressive power of
Description Logics, types  of reasoning, decidability and complexity results
of reasoning, and relationships with other formalisms.

--  Extensions of Description Logics, including,  but not limited to, closed
world   reasoning,   defaults, epistemic  reasoning,   queries, constraints,
temporal and spatial reasoning, procedural knowledge.

--   Integration of  Description  Logics  with   other  formalisms,  such as
object-oriented languages    and  systems, type    systems, constraint-based
programming, logic programming, rule-based systems, etc.

--  Specification,   design and building   of  representation  and reasoning
systems based on Description  Logics,  concentrating on  empirical  results,
novel algorithms, and  implementation techniques,  with special emphasis  on
their relationship with theoretical results.

-- Applications and use of  both  Description Logics and representation  and
reasoning   systems based   on them, in   areas   such as natural  language,
planning, learning,  databases, software engineering, information management
systems, etc.


Interested  parties should prepare  a short  paper on  some  aspect of their
current work in Description Logics for inclusion in the proceedings (no more
than 5 LaTeX  article-style  pages), or a   short position paper  indicating
interest in description logics and the workshop.

Please prepare a version of  your submission (preferably as a self-contained
LaTeX 12-point article style file) and  send it to by e-mail,
to arrive by July  15 1996. We  will determine participation in the workshop
by September 9th based  on the proceedings papers and  position papers.  (If
you need to know before  this, in order to  make travel arrangements, please
contact the committee at The reason for the late dates is to
allow submission following KR notification). Early submissions are welcome!

Revised  versions of accepted proceedings  papers  should be prepared on the
basis of the comments of  the organizers, and  sent  to them by October  7th
1996. The  revised position  papers  will be  electronically distributed  to
participants. The proceedings consisting of revised versions of the position
papers  will be   produced and  distributed  after  the  workshop,  and made
available to other researchers.

In addition each  person  should indicate  a list of  topics  they  would be
interested in  seeing included in the workshop,  for each of them indicating
whether it should  be a  long  or short paper  presentation,  a panel, or  a
general discussion, as well  as  an indication  of how you  personally would
like to participate  in the workshop (e.g.  panel on X,  general discussion,
short/long paper presentation, etc.).


Paper submission deadline:  July 15, 1996
Notification of acceptance: September 9, 1996
Camera ready papers due:    October 7, 1996
Workshop:                   November 2-4, 1996


Chair: Lin Padgham 
Department of Computer Science 
Royal Melbourne Insitute of Technology (RMIT) University 
Melbourne 3001, Victoria, Australia

Enrico Franconi
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning group
Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica (IRST)
I-38050 Povo TN, Italy 

Manfred Gehrke 
Siemens AG 
Otto-Hahn-Ring 6 
81730 M|nchen, Germany 

Deborah L. McGuinness 
AT&T Bell Laboratories 
600 Mountain Ave. 
Murray Hill NJ 07974, USA 

Peter F. Patel-Schneider 
AT&T Bell Laboratories 
600 Mountain Ave. 
Murray Hill NJ 07974, USA


Enquiries about the workshop can be made by mailing to 

Information  regarding  costs,  travel  information,  hotels,  etc.  will be
distributed  later.   Check the  web page at  for

The official Description Logics WWW home page is at

Lin Padgham, 
Enrico Franconi, 
Manfred Gehrke, 
Deborah McGuinness, 
Peter Patel-Schneider