CfP: Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages (3rd Int W'shop)

Michael Wooldridge <>
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 96 14:52:20 GMT
From: Michael Wooldridge <>
Message-id: <>
Subject: CfP: Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages (3rd Int W'shop)
Precedence: bulk

		 The Third International Workshop on 


    To be held at ECAI-96, Budapest, Hungary, August 12--13, 1996


The  emergence of intelligent agent   technology  is one of the   most
exciting and important events to occur in  computer science during the
1990s.  It is now widely  accepted that  this  technology will play  a
central  role  in the  development   of complex  distributed  systems,
networked  information systems,  and  computer  interfaces during  the
twenty-first century.   The aim of this workshop  is to bring together
researchers interested in    the agent-level, micro    aspects of this
emerging technology.  Specifically,  the  workshop  will address  such
issues  as  the specification   of  agents via agent   theories, agent
architectures   and  decision-making, methodologies and  languages for
realising agents, and software tools for programming and experimenting
with agents.   In particular,  the workshop  will   focus on  the link
between agent  theories and  the  realisation of  such  theories using
software  architectures   or  languages.     Issues  such    as  agent
communication languages also fall  within  the scope of the  workshop.
However, the submission of papers  that address macro-level aspects of
agent technology, (such  as cooperative problem solving or cooperation
protocols),  is  not  encouraged.    Such  papers address   mainstream
multi-agent systems issues, and there  are more appropriate forums for
such work.  The same holds  true for papers that describe applications
of agent-based technologies  without clearly describing the underlying
theory, architecture, or language.

ATAL-96 will build on the success of two previous ATAL workshops.  The
first,  ATAL-94,  was held  at  the   ECAI-94 conference;  the second,
ATAL-95,  was  held at  IJCAI-95.   The proceedings  of both  of these
workshops have been formally  published by Springer-Verlag,  under the
title `Intelligent Agents' (Volumes 1 and  2); the ATAL-94 proceedings
were the  best-selling LNAI volume  of 1995.   The proceedings  of the
1996 workshop will  be  published in  a  similar way,  soon after  the
workshop is held.

As the title suggests, the workshop has three main themes:

o   Agent theories:  How  do  the   various  components of an  agent's
     cognitive makeup conspire  to produce rational behaviour? What is
     the relationship between  these components?  What formalisms  are
     appropriate for expressing  aspects of agent  theory?  Do we need
     logic-based formalisms?  If  not, is another type of mathematical
     framework appropriate?  How are we  to model bounded rationality?
     What  properties   are   desirable for   an   agent communication

o  Agent architectures:  What  structure  should an   agent  have?  Is
     reactive  behaviour enough, or do  we need  deliberation as well?
     How  can we     integrate reactive  and  deliberative  components
     cleanly?   What is the  relationship  between an agent theory and
     architecture?  How  can  we synthesise an   agent   from an agent
     specification? How are we to reason about reactive systems?

o Agent languages: What  are the right  primitives for programming  an
     intelligent  agent?  How are    these primitives related to   the
     theory of an agent, or its architecture? 

Papers  that  cross  theme   boundaries are  of  particular  interest.
Examples might  include a  paper  that demonstrated how   a particular
architecture or  language embodied some theory  of agency,  or a paper
that  gave  the semantics  for   an  implemented agent   communication

Topics of Interest

Topics of  interest include,  but are by  no  means restricted to, the

 Agent Theories                           Agent Architectures

 intentions                               deliberative architectures
 time, desires, beliefs, and goals        reactive architectures
 decision theory and agency               hybrid architectures
 believable agents                        BDI architectures
 specification/verification of agents     agent-based design methodologies
 executing logical agent specifications   software agents
 models for reactive agents		     
 semantics of agent communication         Agent Languages
 know-how, procedural knowledge, ability
 practical reasoning and rational choice  the agent-oriented paradigm
 models for agent decision-making         agent communication languages
 rationality & bounded rationality        agent specification languages
 deliberation scheduling                  agent-based computing
Submission Details

Those wishing to participate in the workshop should submit an original
paper of up   to  five thousand words   (approximately  thirteen pages
maximum), to reach the organising committee chair  no later than April
5, 1996.  Electronic   submission of papers  in  PostScript format is
strongly  encouraged.  Alternatively,  send   *four* single-sided hard
copies to reach  the chair by  April 5, 1996.   The first page should
include  the full  name and   contact  details (including email,  full
postal address,  and telephone number   if possible)  of at least  one
author; detailed formatting  instructions,  (including a   LaTeX style
package), are available either from the  workshop WWW site (see below)
or on request  from  the organisers.   Notification of  acceptance  or
rejection will  be  sent  no later than    May 24, 1996, and  will  be
delivered  by   email   where  possible.   Pre-proceedings     will be
distributed at the workshop.  As with ATAL-94 and ATAL-95, proceedings
will be formally published soon after the workshop is held.

Those wishing to attend without presenting a paper should send a brief
summary  of  their reasons for    interest  in  the  workshop to   the
organising  committee chair. Note  that attendance will, of necessity,
be limited.


Organising Committee

Joerg P. Mueller (CHAIR)                Email
 DFKI GmbH                              Tel (+49 681) 302 5331
 Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3                   Fax (+49 681) 302 5341
 D-66123 Saarbruecken, Germany

Michael Wooldridge                      Email
 Department of Computing                Tel (+44 161) 247 1531
 Manchester Metropolitan University     Fax (+44 161) 247 1483
 Manchester M1 5GD, U.K.                 

Nicholas Jennings                       Email
 Department of Electronic Engineering   Tel (+44 171) 975 5349
 Queen Mary & Westfield College         Fax (+44 181) 981 0259
 Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, U.K.

Program Committee

 Christiano Castelfranchi (Italy)
 Keith Clark (UK) 
 Paul Cohen (USA)
 Phil Cohen (USA) 
 Ed Durfee (USA)  
 Tim Finin (USA) 
 Klaus Fischer (D) 
 Michael Fisher (UK)
 John Fox (UK) 
 Fausto Giunchiglia (Italy)
 Piotr Gmytrasiewicz (USA) 
 Hans Haugeneder (D)
 Sarit Kraus (Israel) 
 John Jules Ch. Meyer (NL)
 Anand Rao (Australia) 
 Jeff Rosenschein (Israel)
 Yoav Shoham (USA) 
 Munindar Singh (USA) 
 Aaron Sloman (UK)
 Donald Steiner (D) 
 Kurt Sundermeyer (D)
 Milind Tambe (USA)
 Jan Treur (NL)
 Gerd Wagner (D)

Further Details

Either point your browser at:

or contact any member of the organising committee.