First IEEE Metadata Conference CFP
Timothy Finin <>
From: Timothy Finin <>
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 1995 19:11:47 -0400
Message-id: <>
Subject: First IEEE Metadata Conference CFP
Precedence: bulk
This looks relevant for both the KQML and SRKB groups...
16 - 18 April 1996
NOAA Auditorium
Silver Spring, Maryland
Sponsored by:
IEEE Mass Storage Systems and Technology Technical Committee
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Hughes Information Technology Corporation
The objectives of this conference are to (1) provide a forum to address
metadata issues faced by the various communities including mass storage, data
management, image and multimedia processing, and distributed computing, as
well as managers of networked heterogeneous information servers, (2) bring the
different communities together for technical interchange of ideas on common
technologies related to metadata; (3) hear the various perspectives from the
users as well as from the producers of metadata; and (4) facilitate the
development and usage of metadata. We invite participants from academia,
government, and industry to share ideas and experiences.
We are soliciting panel proposals, abstracts of papers of up to 500 words of
ASCII text, and abstracts of electronic poster-demo presentations of up to 500
words of ASCII text.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:
% What is Metadata?
* Definition, Semantics
% Metadata Modeling and Representation
* Application specific models
* Reference models, data models
* Ontologies
* Multimedia representation of metadata
% Metadata Management
* Creating, Updating, Maintaining metadata
* Repositories for metadata management
* Handling different data types, Security, Integrity, Quality
* Distributed/centralized storage of metadata
% Metadata Generation/Extraction
* Automatic metadata generation/extraction
* Data mining techniques for metadata extraction
% Metadata Usage
* Querying, Application development
* Information system integration
* Search tools
% Metadata Standards
* Survey of existing standards
* Need for additional standards
Previously published papers will not be considered. Panel proposals should
describe the topic and intended audience, and provide a list of participants.
Poster demonstration proposals should focus on presenting novel and
interesting technical aspects of metadata research or development.
Please send your submissions electronically including the name, address, phone
number, and email of the contact author to:
For further information contact:
Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham
Phone: 617-271-8873
Fax: 617-271-2352
Dr. Ron Musick
Phone: 510-424-5015
Fax: 510-422-8920
Important Dates:
Deadline for paper abstract, poster-demo abstract, panel proposal submission:
10 December 1995
Acceptance/Rejection Notification: 25 January 1996
Final hard copies of the papers (4 - 6 pages) due: 27 March 1996
Proceedings will be published electronically.
Robert Coyne (IBM) - Chair
Joy Colucci (Hughes) - Vice Chair
Erin Binder (NML)
Merritt Jones (MITRE)
Ben Kobler (NASA)
Bernard O'Lear (NCAR)
Chris Miller (NOAA)
Bhavani Thuraisingham (MITRE) - Chair
Ron Musick (LLNL) - Vice Chair
Gerald Barton (NOAA)
Brian Boyle (NOVON)
Rosemary Dakos (Hughes)
Tom Karl (NOAA)
Robert Kluttz (CMS)
George Jamerson (NOAA)
Ken McDonald (NASA)
Ted Myer (NASA)
Lola Olsen (NASA)
Louiqa Raschid (U. of MD)
Len Seligman (MITRE)
Steven Shantzis (Hughes)
Eric Simon (INRIA)
Paul Singley (ORNL)
Rick Steinheiser (ORD)
Mark Whiting (PNL)