CIKM-95 Workshop on Intelligent Information Agents. Papers due 9/22

Timothy Finin <>
From: Timothy Finin <>
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 11:49:35 -0400
Message-id: <>
To:,,,,,,,, ontolingua@HPP.Stanford.EDU
Subject: CIKM-95 Workshop on Intelligent Information Agents. Papers due 9/22
Precedence: bulk

			   Call for Papers
			   CIKM Workshop on


		     held in conjunction with the
	    Fourth International Conference on Information
		  and Knowledge Management (CIKM'95)
			   December 1-2, 1995

		       Omni Inner Harbor Hotel
		       Baltimore, Maryland, USA

		Sponsored by ACM SIGART and ACM SIGIR
	   In cooperation with NASA, Bellcore, NSF, AAAI*,
	   IEEE Computer Society*, SIGLINK, CACS/USL, UMBC

The CIKM95 Workshop on Intelligent Information Agents will bring together a
small number of researchers who are working on or interested in exploring
the use of agent-oriented paradigms in information systems.  A partial list
of topics relevant to the workshop is:

  o agent communication and messaging languages
  o agent programming and scripting languages
  o agent theories and architectures
  o interaction and coordination protocols (negotiation, partial global
     planning etc.)
  o learning agents and trainable agents
  o information mediators and agent-based middleware
  o the role of shared ontologies in agent systems
  o agent-human interfaces
  o information filtering, retrieval, gathering and monitoring
  o resource discovery by and for agents
  o integrated agent testbeds
  o applications of agent technology to digital libraries, electronic
    commerce, education, command and control, information filtering, data
    mining, etc.

The workshop will consist of invited talks, individual presentations, and
group discussion. If you wish to present your work, please submit five
copies of a paper (up to 5000 words) or extended abstract (up to 2000
words).  To participate, please submit a short position paper. All
submissions should include an email address.  Graduate students who are
engaged in a relevant research project are encouraged to participate.  An
informal proceedings will be compiled from the extended abstracts and
research statements and distributed at the workshop.  Participants will be
encouraged to submit in advance electronic material or URLs for an online
"proceedings" to be made available on the web.

The workshop will begin on Friday afternoon, December 1 and run through
5:00pm December 2.  There will be a joint reception for all of the CIKM
workshops on Friday evening.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: To get more information on the workshop and to
register your interest, send email to  You can also
find current information at  To get more
information on CIKM95 and to register your interest, send email to  You can also find current information at

SUBMISSIONS: Papers, extended abstracts and position papers should be
submitted in electronic form -- HTML source is preferred; otherwise
postscript or ASCII.  If electronic submission is not possible, hardcopy
will be accepted.  Email electronic submissions to: IIAW@CS.UMBC.EDU. FTP
electronic submissions to FTP.CS.UMBC.EDU in pub/iiaw/incoming. Mail
hardcopy to: CIKM95 IIA Workshop, CSEE Department, University of Maryland
Baltimore County, 5401 Wilkens Ave., Baltimore MD 21228-5398.

Please submit material so that it arrives on or before September 22,
1995.  Invitations to participate will be sent by October 20, and
final copies of workshop papers will be due on November 17.


  Tim Finin (Maryland),, 410-455-3522
  James Mayfield (Maryland),, 410-455-3099


 Yigal Arens (USC/ISI)
 Edmund Durfee (Michigan)
 Benjamin Grossof (IBM)
 Michael Huhns (South Carolina) 
 Yannis Labrou (Maryland)
 Alon Levy (AT&T)
 Pattie Maes (MIT)
 Don McKay (Loral)
 Daniella Rus (Dartmouth)
 Ellen Voorhees (Siemens)  
 Michael Wooldridge (Manchester)