Society and the Future of Computing conference announcement (Richard Light)
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 95 09:23:42 MST
From: (Richard Light)
Message-id: <>
Subject: Society and the Future of Computing conference announcement
Precedence: bulk


(Apologies for duplicates due to email list overlaps!)


June 11-14, 1995
Tamarron Lodge
Durango, Colorado

Conference URL:  

Conference Goals

As our national research community responds to new national 
needs, our society needs a vigorous and open discussion about 
the social goals of computer science research and applications.

The end of the Cold War has changed the set of challenges facing 
the United States and its science and technology community.  This 
conference will provide a forum in which to share, explore, and 
demonstrate the responsible use of advanced scientific computing 
and National Information Infrastructure program technologies for 
the benefit of diverse communities, and articulate novel research 
directions that advance computer science in ways that have high 
social benefits.

Organizing Sponsors

This conference is an initiative of the U.S.  Public 
Policy Committee of the Association for Computing Machinery
(USACM), sponsored and organized by the Los Alamos National 
Laboratory in cooperation with the University of Maryland 
Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory and the ACM special 
interest groups SIGCAS, SIGCHI, and SIGCAPH, and 
(pending formal approval) IEEE US Activities. 

Additional Sponsors

Generous support for this conference has been provided
by the following additional sponsors:

Apple Computer, Inc.
Cray Research, Inc.
IBM POWER Parallel Division
MCI Government Systems

(Others expected.)

Who Should Attend

This conference addresses a wide range of fields. 
Professionals from government, academia, and commerce will
benefit from the innovative proposals for research and application.
Computer scientists, commercial developers, government information
specialists, research managers, directors of advanced technology,
community planners, civic leaders, educators, vendors, and anyone
interested in computing's social impact and the NII technologies can
contribute to the discussions that are likely to shape some of the
future directions of these themes.

Relevant research areas include advanced networking, human-computer
interaction, multimedia, wide area distributed computing, computer
supported cooperative work, the design process, and integrating
heterogeneous systems.  Relevant applications include education, 
medicine, digital libraries, civic networking and teledemocracy, 
natural disaster prediction and response, transportation 
safety and efficiency, computing for people with disabilities, 
crime prevention, job training and skills improvement, workplace 
computing, sustainable environmental preservation, community 
networking and economic development, and intercommunity 
sharing of resources, among others.

Conference Participation:

In a retreat environment, invited speakers, panel organizers 
and panelists from academia, industry, and government 
will be joined by 40-50 poster presentations.  THIS IS AN OPEN

We expect 30-50 posters to be displayed at the conference, and 
there will be two program sessions in which attendees will have
the chance to discuss posters with the poster authors.
Each poster entry will have a large conference poster board and
a table on which to display the work.  

If your work is in any way related to the themes of this
conference, you are encouraged to come share your ideas
in the form of a poster presentation at the conference.
The conference registration booklet details how you can
submit your poster abstract describing your work and
indicating the social impact of the work and its application 
to real-world problems.  

If you have questions regarding any aspect of poster
participation in the conference, please contact the conference
poster coordinator, Douglas Schuler, 206-865-3832,

The conference will be limited to 250 professional and 30 student 
We will offer scholarships for students wishing to attend this conference.

Conference Structure and Speakers:

The program begins Sunday evening and continues through approximately
4:00pm Wednesday afternoon.  Monday and Tuesday afternoons include 
poster sessions in addition to the invited speaker sessions.  Some 
sessions are panels while others present a series of noted speakers.  
The following is a preliminary list of participants, though the full 
list of speakers and panelists is still developing (in alphabetical 
   Gary Chapman, University of Texas, Austin
   Peter J. Denning, George Mason University
   Gwendolyn Doebbert, California Department of Health Services
   Troy A. Eid, Executive Director, NIIT
   William J. Halverson, Pacific Bell Health Care Market Group
   Rob Kling, Unifersity of California, Irvine
   Dale Lehman, Fort Lewis College
   Richard Lowenberg, Telluride Institute
   Don Norman, Apple Computer
   Kent Norman, University of Maryland
   Roy Pea, Northwestern University
   Catherine Plaisant, University of Maryland
   Peggy Poggio, LLNL and Institute for Telemedicine
   Virginia E. Rezmierski, University of Michigan
   Leslie Sandberg, Executive Director, Institute for Telemedicine
   Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland HCIL
   Barbara Simons, IBM; Chair, USACM
   Elliott Soloway, University of Michigan 
   Connie D. Stout, University of Texas TENET
   Rolf Wigand, Syracuse University
   Stu Zweben, Ohio State University; President, ACM

Conference Program

A copy of the preliminary program is included in the registration 
booklet.  However, the following is the working list of session topics:

<> Visions of the Future of Society and Computing
<> Telemedicine, Medical Imaging, and Roadblocks on
   the Infobahn
<> Home Life on the NII
<> Social Needs and the Design Process
<> Education Issues and Applications
<> Digital Libraries: Information Management and the Citizen of 
<> Electronic Commerce and the Economy of Tomorrow
<> Community Networks and Teledemocracy
<> The Role of Government in NII and the Future of Computing
<> New Directions for Society and the Future of Computing

Student Scholarships

We are encouraging student attendence and participation in
the conference by offering extensive scholarships for students
whose major field of study is Computer Science, or Social Sciences 
with computer-related emphasis.  The conference registration booklet
details how you can submit your application for a student

Students who participate in the program will also be asked to 
help with conference logistics.

Conference Location

This conference is being held at the Tamarron Lodge,
18 miles north of Durango, in southwestern Colorado.
This is a full-service hotel that specializes in conferences
and workshops.  The beautiful mountain surroundings and
the secluded location provide for a unique and productive
environment for conference discussions.  Hotel and airline
reservation information is included in the conference registration 
booklet.  The Durango airport supports regular flights to Denver,
Phoenix, and Albuquerque.

Conference Registration Information

To receive a registration booklet including information about 
student scholarships, poster entries, the conference program, 
conference fees, the Durango area, travel arrangements, and 
the Tamarron Lodge, please send your name, US postal address, 
email address, and phone number to the conference registrar 
at one of the following addresses:

Email address:

We would prefer that you use email to request registration 
information.  However, if you have no access to email,
please send your request to:

SFC '95 Conference Registrar
Protocol Office, Attn: Jan Hull
Mail Stop P366
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM 87545

Conference Co-Chairs

Rick Light, LANL,
Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland,

Executive Advisor for the Program

Andy White, LANL,

Program Committee

Phil Agre, Program Chair,  UC San Diego,
Dan Kerlinsky, UNM,
Rob Kling, UC Irvine,
Barbara Simons, IBM,
Marc Rottenberg, CPSR,
Rick Weingarten, CRA,

Conference Coordinator

Jan Hull, LANL,

Conference Multimedia Specialist

Jim Cruz, LANL,