Intelligent Agents: New Book Announcement (fwd)

Timothy Finin <>
From: Timothy Finin <>
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 1995 13:24:27 -0500
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Subject: Intelligent Agents: New Book Announcement (fwd)
Precedence: bulk

You might find this of interest.  Tim

From: Michael Wooldridge <>
Subject: Intelligent Agents: New Book Announcement
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 1995 08:23:46 -0800

        ** NEW BOOK ** ** NEW BOOK ** ** NEW BOOK ** ** NEW BOOK **

                            INTELLIGENT AGENTS
                  Theories, Architectures, and Languages

           Edited by Michael Wooldridge and Nicholas R. Jennings
             Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in AI - Volume 890
                          Published January 1995


        ** NEW BOOK ** ** NEW BOOK ** ** NEW BOOK ** ** NEW BOOK **


The notion of an intelligent autonomous agent is one of the most  important
and  exciting  concepts  to  emerge in computer science in the 1990s. Agent
technology looks set to radically alter  not  only  the  way  in  which  we
interact  with  computers, but also the way we conceptualise and build com-
plex systems. This exciting and up-to-date volume is one of the first texts
to  deal  with a fundamental aspect of this emerging technology: the design
and construction of agents. The book is divided into four parts. The  first
contains  a  detailed introductory article, which presents the key research
issues in the theory and practice of intelligent agents; the  article  con-
tains  a  glossary of key terms to help the reader new to the field, a sum-
mary of implemented systems, and an extensive annotated  bibliography.  The
second  part  contains  a  number  of articles on the theory of intelligent
agents; the third part contains articles on agent  architectures  (software
engineering  models  of  agents),  and  the final part contains articles on
agent programming languages - the book is the first  to  deal  specifically
with this novel area.  An index is provided for easy reference.

The range of issues covered by the articles, together with  the  comprehen-
sive review, glossary, summary of key systems, bibliography, and index make
the book an essential source text for practitioners,  theorists,  and  stu-
dents that are either working or hoping to work in this exciting new field.


`Intelligent Agents - Theories, Architectures, and  Languages',  edited  by
Michael  Wooldridge  and Nicholas R. Jennings. Published in January 1995 by
Springer-Verlag as Lecture Notes in  Artificial  Intelligence  Volume  890.
ISBN 3-540-58855-8. 407pp. Includes index.  Price DM 86,00 softback.

Further details are available via the WWW; see the URL listed above.


To order copies of this book, you may use the form below:

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  in January 1995.

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Michael Wooldridge                 | email
Department of Computing,           |
Manchester Metropolitan University | tel  (+44 1 61) 247 1531 
Chester St., Manchester M1 5GD, UK | fax  (+44 1 61) 247 1483
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