School in Spatial Reasoning

Oliviero Stock <>
From: Oliviero Stock <>
Message-id: <199501111141.AA10562@epicuro>
Subject: School in Spatial Reasoning
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 1995 12:41:23 +0100 (MET)
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    Istituto Mitteleuropeo di Cultura / Mitteleuropaeisches Kulturinstitut
                         BOLZANO INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS 
                          Coordinated by Roberto Poli
                       S P A T I A L   R E A S O N I N G
                       Bolzano, Italy, March 13-17, 1995

                       School in Artificial Intelligence
                         coordinated by Oliviero Stock
     Sponsored by AI*IA - Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence

                              Tony Cohn (Leeds)
        Representing and Reasoning with Qualitative Spatial Relations
                            Antony Galton (Exeter)
                          Space, Time, and Movement
                         Annette Herskovits (Boston)
                    Vision, Spatial Cognition, and Language
          Roberto Casati (Aix-en-Provence) and Achille Varzi (Trento)
                               Spatial Entities

                              General Information:
- Each speaker will give five lectures, with ample time for discussion. 
- Participation will be limited to 30 people. No registration fee is  
  required. People wishing to participate should submit a short curriculum 
  vitae and a statement of interest to the address below. Please include 
  e-mail address and/or fax number, if available. Applications should be 
  received by February 11th, 1995. Notification of acceptance will be 
  provided by February 18th. 
- Accommodation in Bolzano range between 70,000 and 180,000 Italian Liras per 
  day, half pension. 
- Applicants who enclose a strong case for support may be considered for a 
  small number of boursaries covering hotel costs.

  Applications and inquires concerning participation should be directed to 
  Oliviero Stock, Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica (IRST), 
  I-38050 Povo, Trento, Italy. Fax: (+39) 461 314591. e-mail: