Word meanings
Richard Fikes <Fikes@HPP.Stanford.EDU>
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Date: Fri, 6 Jan 95 10:34:59 -0800
From: Richard Fikes <Fikes@HPP.Stanford.EDU>
To: srkb@cs.umbc.edu
Subject: Word meanings
Cc: filman@stc.lockheed.com (Bob Filman)
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>From Bob Filman at Lockheed:
--attributed by Washington Technology (a beltway industry paper) to James
Schlesinger (a senior DoD Executive) from a recent Washington DC luncheon
keynote address; (remarks are paraphrased to some degree):
--"In managing the DoD there are many unexpected communications problems:
For instance, when the Marines are ordered to "secure a building", they form
landing party and assault it. On the otherhand, the same instructions will
lead the Army to occupy the building with a troop of infantry, and the Navy
will characteristically respond by sending a yeoman to assure that the
building lights are turned out. When the Air Force acts on these
instructions, what results is a 'three year lease with option to