Re: "Graphical" Ontolingua?

sowa <>
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1993 04:19:19 -0700
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From: sowa <>
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Subject: Re:  "Graphical" Ontolingua?
Conceptual graphs are a graphic system of logic that has been
used for a variety of applications in natural language and
expert systems.  During the past two years, there has been work
in the ANSI X3H4 Committee on standardizing them as a representation
for the Information Resource Dictionary Systems (IRDS).  Over the
past year or so, the ANSI X3H4 and X3T2 Committees have been working
with both the KIF developers and the CG developers to establish an
exact equivalence between KIF and CGs and to standardize both
languages as semantically equivalent representations.  Therefore,
you could mix or match definitions in either KIF or CGs as you

For recent papers on conceptual graphs, see the following two books:

   T. Nagle, J. Nagle, L. Gerholz, and P. Eklund, eds. (1992)
   _Conceptual Structures:  Recent Theory and Practice_,
   Ellis-Horwood Publishers.

   G. W. Mineau, B. Moulin, and J. F. Sowa, eds. (1993)
   _Conceptual Graphs for Knowledge Representation_,
   Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 699,

The first chapter in the Springer-Verlag book discusses the
mapping between CGs and KIF with examples.

John Sowa