"Graphical" Ontolingua?
fano@itmi.fr (Fano Ramparany)
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1993 00:19:57 -0700
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From: fano@itmi.fr (Fano Ramparany)
To: Multiple recipients of list <srkb-list@ISI.EDU>
Subject: "Graphical" Ontolingua?
At the recent Knowledge Sharing and Information Interchange, several
persons have reported on the difficulty of understanding KIF plain
text ontology specifications, just reading them at the first glance.
I was just wondering whether an equivalent graphical representation
For instance, I'm more familiar with the KADS methodology, and find it
very convenient to look at the KADS models (domain models, inference
structures, task models) through their graphical representation,
rather than through their formal logic specification. Along the same
line, I believe that the use of such graphical representation has been
a major reason for making the Conceptual Graph theory so popular.
PS: I apologize if this point has already been discussed. (I'm a
newcomer to this list).