Request for info

"Van D. Parunak" <>
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1993 11:28:47 -0800
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Comment: SRKB Distribution List
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Sender: srkb-list@ISI.EDU
Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
From: "Van D. Parunak" <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <srkb-list@ISI.EDU>
Subject: Request for info

Next week, under the auspices of NSF, Leslie Interrante and Steve
Smith are convening a workshop on dynamic scheduling in manufacturing.
I've been asked to lead a break-out group on "architectures and
representations" (i.e., for dynamic scheduling). As a newcomer to this
list, I'm not current on discussions that people may have posted in
the past in this area, but the recent establishment of a subgroup on
knowledge sharing for planning and scheduling suggests that there is
some insight floating around that I might profitably carry into next
week's discussions.  Even better, perhaps someone with such
intelligence plans to be at the workshkop, and will join our working
group. I'll post a summary after the workshop.

Van Parunak
Dr. H. Van Dyke Parunak            internet:
Scientific Fellow                  voice: (313) 769-4049
Industrial Technology Institute    fax:   (313) 769-4064
PO Box 1485, Ann Arbor, MI 48106