UI design ontology update
Robert Neches <neches@ISI.EDU>
Message-id: <199207250457.AA16817@quark.isi.edu>
To: srkb@ISI.EDU
Subject: UI design ontology update
Cc: gio@darpa.mil
Reply-To: neches@ISI.EDU
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 92 21:56:48 PDT
From: Robert Neches <neches@ISI.EDU>
We now have a short (8-page) paper describing our progress on the user
interface design ontology that I mentioned in a previous message.
Those of you who sent e-mail to me about it, you should have copies
on their way to you. If anyone else is interested, send e-mail to:
and tell her you'd like a copy of:
Neches, Foley, Szekely, Sukaviriya, Luo, Kovacevic, and Hudson,
"Knowledge Development Environments Using Shared Design Models"
-- Bob
Robert Neches
USC/ISI, 4676 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292 USA
Phone: 310/822-1511, Fax: 310/823-6714
Knowledge Development Environments Using Shared Design Models
We describe MASTERMIND, a step toward our vision of a knowledge-based
design-time and run-time environment in which human-computer interface
development is centered around an all-encompassing design model. The
MASTERMIND approach is intended to provide integration and continuity
across the entire life cycle of a user interface. In addition, it
facilitates higher-quality work at each phase of the life cycle. MASTERMIND
is an open framework, in which the design knowledge base allows multiple
tools to come into play and makes knowledge created by each tool accessible
to the others.