updated info on Dunes workshop
Tom Gruber <Gruber@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
Message-id: <2877380514-4932264@KSL-Mac-69>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 91 16:21:54 PST
From: Tom Gruber <Gruber@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
To: Shared KB working group <srkb@venera.isi.edu>
Subject: updated info on Dunes workshop
[This will be sent to you in hardcopy with a packet in the near
Workshop on Shared, Reusable Knowledge Bases
of the DARPA Knowledge Representation Standards effort
[March 5 update of previously distributed message]
Thank you for agreeing to participate in the DARPA sponsored working
group on shared, reusable knowledge bases. This note will describe
the first workshop, which will be held just before AAAI Spring
Symposium. We are fortunate that all but one of the working group
members will be able to make the first workshop on those dates. Here
is the relevant information.
The workshop will be held on March 24-25 at Pajaro Dunes, a
development of luxury homes and condos on the ocean near Monterey. A
map and full directions will be mailed to you (see enclosed).
Breakfast and lunch will be catered; dinner will be enjoyed at a nice
restaurant. Participants will stay in private rooms in odd-looking
beach houses. We will spend our working hours in a large living room
and/or sun deck, hopefully with a view. We will provide an overhead
projector, whiteboard, and MacIntoshes.
PLAN TO ARRIVE Saturday night March 23 or early Sunday morning; the
meetings will run all day Sunday and Monday, starting at 9:00am.
Pajaro Dunes is about a 90 minute drive from Palo Alto. We expect
that most people will leave on Monday evening; with advance notice, we
will assist with arrangements for those wishing to stay over monday
COST: $150 room and board (total for both days); $150 registration,
payable at the workshop. Checks made out to University of Southern
California. Participants are asked to pay these costs out of their
own research funds. Since most of you are attending the AAAI Spring
Symposium, please keep in mind that reduced air fares from saturday
travel may significantly offset the cost of attending this workshop.
Please contact Bob Neches (neches@isi.edu, 213/822-1511) if you cannot
afford to attend on your own resources. He will assist you in
exploring alternate sources of funding. It is our hope that financial
issues will not preclude invitees from attending.
REGISTRATION: Please send confirmation to Kim Luu <luu@isi.edu>, who
will be able to answer questions about logistics. Include your
physical mail address, phone and fax numbers, and a brief title for
your presentation if you wish to give one (see agenda below).
1. A one to three page position statement (not for publication) to Gruber by MARCH
15 preferably in electronic form (text or TeX). The purpose is to get everyone thinking
about the issues and to seed the discussions with good ideas. We will distribute
them in advance to the participants.
Please address some of the following questions:
* What knowledge would be useful to share in a machine-readable
form? What is the purpose or goal of knowledge sharing in your work,
and what form does shared/reusable knowledge take?
* What are the barriers to knowledge sharing? How can AI help?
* What should be the unifying vision for knowledge sharing and
reuse? (e.g., Stefik "The Next Knowledge Medium" (AI Magazine) or
Lenat and Feigenbaum "On the Thresholds of Knowledge" (AAAI and AI
* How could the community cooperate to reach the vision? - How
should reusable KBs be developed and disseminated? - What are some
useful pilot experiments?
* What are the critical research issues that need to get solved?
2. OPTIONALLY, also submit a hardcopy of an existing paper on your
project for distribution at the workshop. To arrange copying, please
ensure that your paper is received at USC/ISI by close of business on
friday, March 15. (Copying facilities at the workshop site are
limited; if you do not take advantage of the advance copying service,
please plan on bringing at least 20 copies of any materials you would
like to distribute at the meeting.) Papers should be addressed to Kim
Luu, Workshop On Shared, Reusable Knowledge Bases, USC / Information
Sciences Institute, 4676 Admiralty Way, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292.
This packet should contain copies of previous email messages,
directions and map to Pajaro Dunes, and background papers related to
the DARPA knowledge representation standards effort. The papers
* "Introduction" to the working group , which serves as a working
* The Role of Common Ontology in Achieving Sharable, Reusable
Knowledge Bases. Short paper by Gruber to appear at KR91, describes
the ontology knowledge sharing strategy.
* Results of the shared KBs working group from last yearUs
organizational workshop on knowledge representation standards at Santa
Barbara. This contains an enumeration of several issues, problems,
etc. that we will undoubtedly revisit at Pajaro Dunes. Please take a
look at these notes.
* KIF 2.1 specification, by Genesereth et al. The working draft of
the Interlingua working group.
* The Role of Standard Knowledge Representation for Sharing
Knowledge Based Technology. by Gruber. White paper presented at the
Santa Barbara workshop in March 1990.
* Set of slides presented at the panel entitled Knowledge Sharing
and the Role of Common Ontology in February 1991 at CAIA-91, by six
members of this group.
* Proposal to Develop an Ontological Infrastructure, by Gruber and
Tenenbaum. White paper presented at the DARPA/ESPRIT joint workshop
in Knowlehdge Representation Standards in Brussels, July 1990.
* The Shifting Terminological Space: An Impediment to Evolveability,
by Swartout and Neches. AAAI-86 paper on the value of capturing
terminology for design and knowledge reuse.
* The Knowledge Medium, by Stefik. Visionary AI Magazine article.
* On the Threshold of Knowledge, by Lenat and Feigenbaum. Really
Big Vision.
* The Engineer's Associate: A Report on the ISAT Summer Study, by
Engelmore and Tenenbaum.
Sunday, March 24
9:00-9:30 Opening statement (Gruber)
9:30-10:30 Keynote (Stefik)
10:30-11:00 break
11:00-12:30 participant presentations (6 x 20min)
[Note that this is a change from earlier plans. See below.]
12:30-2:00 lunch, doing.
2:00-4:30 divide into three working groups [see below]
4:30-5:30 working group reports (3 x 20min)
5:30-6:00 organize "solutions" working groups
6:00-7:00 beach, being there.
7:00-?? Dinner in town.
[New working groups.should plan to talk over dinner.]
Monday, March 25
morning - new working groups on "solutions"
9:00-11:00 working groups prepare
11:00-12:00 working groups report
12:00-1:30 lunch
afternoon - community organization
1:30-2:30 evaluation criteria and format of survey papers
2:30-4:00 plan pilot experiments
4:00-5:00 plan next steps
[WG position papers, future workshops, identification of open issues]
Initial Working Groups
On Sunday we will divide into three working groups:
* WG1: Sharing domain-specific knowledge (engineering,
manufacturing, logistics, medicine, biology)
* WG2: Sharing domain independent knowledge (natural language
processing, common sense, reusable software, integration of databases,
semistructured knowledge / hypermedia)
* WG3: Infrastructure for knowledge sharing (national knowledge
bases and services, communication infrastructure (e.g., directories,
brokering, advertising, distribution), national initiatives)
Each group will be tasked to address the following basic issues:
* What knowledge is useful to share?
* What are the barriers to knowledge sharing?
* How can AI (and we) help?
Tentative groups:
WG1: Allen, Davis, Fikes, Forbus, Fox, Genesereth, Gruber, Mark, Tuttle
WG2: Hovy, Johnson, Kunz, Lee, Lenat, Porter, Russell, Sowa
WG3: Cross, Feigenbaum, Kahn, Neches, Stefik, Tenenbaum
On Monday, we will divide into a different set of working groups,
organized around possible "solutions" that AI may be able to
contribute. The final breakdown will depend on the results of the
first day, but a suggestive list includes:
* Representation and ontology
* Integrating formal and semistructured representations, and new
media for communication and access.
* Modeling tools and model libraries
* Generic and task-specific reasoning tools, such as classifiers,
constraint solvers, schedulers, planners, etc.
* Agent-based architectures for integration and knowledge sharing
* Database and communication infrastructure
The working group is chartered to identify collaboration experiments
in which producers and users of significant knowledge bases share and
reuse others' knowledge bases and tools. Many of the working group
members have existing systems that could participate in and benefit
>From such experiments. While we are all in one place, we will begin
planning for multi-group collaborations.
We will not have time for presentations on each person's research, so
we will limit them to a few that speak directly to the issues of the
workshop. Please contact Gruber, Tenenbaum, or Neches if you are
interested in giving a talk. We still want the short position papers
>From each attendee, so that we can read up on each otherUs ideas
before the workshop.
* Book of papers / state of art survey
- include a chapter by editors that encapsulates recommendations for tools,
methodologies, and future funding directions
- each working group member describes own effort
- format for papers decided at first workshop
* Set of collaborative experiments in knowledge sharing
* Publication of proposed ontologies
- formal representation for distribution
- in electronic and paper media
- tools that support development and reuse
- test suite examples of using ontologies
* Clearinghouse
- near term mechanism for maintaining the library of ontologies
- mechanism for public evaluation and periodic update
- long term proposal (CD ROMs, AAAI Project Mercury, etc.)
Working Group Chairs:
Tom Gruber
Knowledge Systems Laboratory
Stanford University
701 Welch Road, Building C
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Marty Tenenbaum
Enterprise Integration Technologies Corp.
459 Hamilton Ave
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Representation Standards Coordinator:
Bob Neches
USC Information Sciences Institute
4676 Admiralty Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Arrangements coordinator:
Kim Chau Luu
USC Information Sciences Institute
4676 Admiralty Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Working group mailing list: SRKB@VENERA.ISI.EDU