ECAI workshop on parts and wholes
"Nicola Guarino" <>
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Date: Wed, 15 Jun 94 15:52:05 +0100
From: "Nicola Guarino" <>
Subject: ECAI workshop on parts and wholes
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Announcement - Preliminary Programme
ECAI Workshop #2, Monday August 8th, Amsterdam (NL)
Nicola Guarino (Padova, Italy)
Simone Pribbenow (Hamburg, Germany)
Laure Vieu (Toulouse, France)
Programme Committee:
Michel Aurnague (Toulouse, France), Harry Bunt (Tilburg, NL), Roberto
Casati (Aix, France), Carola Eschenbach (Hamburg, Germany), David Israel
(Stanford, USA), Amedeo Napoli (Nancy, France), Barry Smith (Buffalo, USA),
Barbara Tversky (Stanford, USA), Achille Varzi (Trento, Italy)
9.00 Introduction
9.15 - 10.35 Ontology
Gert Schmeltz Pedersen (DASY, Denmark): Conceptual modelling without the
distinction between Individuals and Singleton Sets.
Barry Smith (Buffalo, USA/Schaan, Liechtenstein): Fiat Objects
11.00 - 12.20 Linguistic topics
Peter Gerstl (Heidelberg, Germany): Genitive Constructions as a Means for
Communicating Part-Whole Information.
Friederike Moltmann (UCLA, USA). New Notion of Part Structure for the
Semantics of Natural Language.
13.50 - 15.10 Modeling complex objects
Geoffrey Simmons (Hamburg, Germany):Shapes, Part Structures and Object Concepts.
Luca Pazzi (Univ. of Modena, Italy): Dynamically-Based Complex Objects:
>From Process Synchronization to Entity Aggregation.
15.30 - 16.50 Applications
Bernauer (Hildesheim, Germany): Modelling Formal Subsumption and Part-Whole
Relation for Medical Concept Descriptions.
Mike Uschold (Edinburgh, UK): The Use of Ontology to Guide Naive Users in
Representing Substructure
16.50 - 17.50 Panel: Part-Whole Relations in Description Logics (short
paper presentations)
A. Artale , F. Cesarini, E. Grazzini, F. Pippolini and G. Soda (Firenze,
Italy): Modelling Composition in a Terminological Language Environment.
Pascale Hors (Orsay, France): Description logics to specify the part-whole
Piet-Hein Speel (Twente, NL) and Peter Patel-Schneider (AT&T, USA): A
Physical Whole-Part Extension for Description Logics.
17.50 Conclusions
Participants having sent position papers:
Harmen van den Berg (Twente, NL): On incommensurability of primitive relations
Anthony Cohn and Brandon Bennett (Leeds, UK): (title to be announced)
Michel Cosse (Paris 7, France): Mereology and Text Generation
Ivan Derzhanski (Edinburgh, UK): On the Atomarisation of Mass Terms
Don Dwiggins (Mark V Systems, CA): The Role of Part-Whole Relations within
Commercial Software Development Tools
Josef Meyer-Fujara (Bielefeld, Germany): Decomposition at Restricted
Sebastian Shaumyan (Yale, USA): Part-Whole Relations, Dependency and
Mereological Variability in Syntax
Other expected participants include:
Mario Borillo, Aviv Cohen, C. Djeraba, Mike Halper, Martine Magnan, M.
Maybury, James Pustejovsky, K.-H. Schmidt, Hiroshi Tanaka, Shusaku Tsumoto,
Klaus Wimmer.
Few places are still left. If you'd like to participate, please send a
request to the organizers (email:,, as soon as possible. If
you send it before June 20 (via email), you may add a position paper (1 to
3 pages) which will be included in the workshop notes.
Notice that registration to the main ECAI conference is required to attend
the workshop (ECAI conference secretariat: Tel: +31 10 408 2302, Fax: +31
10 453 0784, E-mail: