Ontologies in LOOM

"Cheng Hian GOH" <chgoh@MIT.EDU>
Message-id: <9405181525.AA20985@e51-007-3.MIT.EDU>
To: ontolingua@HPP.Stanford.EDU
Cc: chgoh@MIT.EDU
Subject: Ontologies in LOOM
Date: Wed, 18 May 94 11:25:10 EDT
From: "Cheng Hian GOH" <chgoh@MIT.EDU>

As part of our ongoing research, we are in the process of building a financial
ontology which will facilitate the interchange of data from heterogeneous and
autonomous financial data feeds and databases. Instead of re-inventing the
wheel, are are attempting to do this by building on other available ontologies.
I have looked at those constructed by Tom Gruber et al., and I think they are
really great. (Stuff like Standard-Units-and-Dimensions and Abstract-Algebra
will really make a real difference for us.)

Unfortunately, we have so far committed ourselves to LOOM and the
LOOM version of these ontologies don't seem to work. Tom Gruber has pointed out
this may be a bug in the Ontolingua->LOOM translator. While I greatly appreciate
the work which they are doing, we cannot sit around and wait for the bugs to be
fixed. My question is, "Is there someone who has got the LOOM version of these
ontologies to work?"  Maybe the answer is that we should switch to a different
representation language. In that case, I will be really interested to hear
people's experiences. Is there a comparable alternative to LOOM which will work
well with Ontolingua?

Best regards,


p.s., the mailer crashed on me when I am sending this mail the first time. I
apologize if this appears twice.