CFP on KB&KS Conf. (Riichiro MIZOGUCHI)
Date: Wed, 12 May 93 19:33:28 JST
From: (Riichiro MIZOGUCHI)
Message-id: <>
To:, ontolingua@HPP.Stanford.EDU,
Subject: CFP on KB&KS Conf.
Dear Colleagues,

Please find the following CFP.


                        KB & KS '93 $@!!(JThe First Announcement
International Conference on Building and Sharing 
$@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Jof Very Large-Scale Knowledge Bases '93
                        Dec. 1 (Wed.) - Dec. 2 (Thur.) , 1993
Workshop on Technical Issues (closedd): Building and Sharing 
$@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Jof Very Large-Scale Knowledge Bases
                        Dec. 3 (Fri.) - Dec. 4 (Sat.) ,1993

Dear Colleague:
Now is the time for us to make serious efforts to start preparing information 
or knowledge infrastructures, which will serve as the foundation for an 
advanced and global-scale information-oriented society in the 21st century. 
Very Large-Scale Knowledge Bases (VLKB) are the core technology that will be 
used to create such infrastructures effectively and to increase their 
intelligence. All that is available from information science & technology, 
particularly knowledge science & technology and language science & technology,
will be utilized for building and sharing VLKB.
This theme has to be discussed from many aspects, and worldwide consensus must
be reached on the urgent initial move and on the significance of a broad 
international cooperation for research and development. This is what the 
KB&KS '93 international conference is all about. It will take the form of 
a symposium, and every effort should be made to ensure that conferences 
following this one will develop into academic conferences, which will take 
place in many different countries in the world.
We strongly believe that this conference will be meaningful and fruitful for 
those with particular interest in this field. We look forward to your 
participation in KB&KS '93 in Tokyo.

$@"!(JGeneral Information$@"!(J
Sponsored by: 
$@!!(J	Japan Information Processing Development Center  (JIPDEC)
Supported by (tentative):
$@!!(J      Ministere de l'Industrie et du Commerce Exterieur, France
$@!!(J	Bundesministerium fur Forschung und Technologie, Germany
$@!!(J	$@DL>&;:6H>J(J(Ministry of International Trade and Industry),  Japan
$@!!(J	Department of Trade and Industry,  U. K.
$@!!(J	National Science Foundation, U. S. A.
$@!!(J	Commission of the European Communities
In cooperation with (tentative):
$@!!(J	Information Processing Society of Japan
$@!!(J	The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
$@!!(J	Japanese Cognitive Science Society
$@!!(J	Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
$@!!(J	Japan Society for Software Science and Technology
$@!!(J	The American Association for Artificial Intelligence
	The Association for Computational Linguistics
	International Association for Machine Translation
$@!!(J	The European Coordinating Committee on Artificial Intelligence
$@!!(J	Date      December 1 (Wed.) - 2 (Thur.), 1993
$@!!(J	Venue     Keio Plaza Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
$@!!(J	Official Languages$@!!!!(J	Japanese and English 
                                (with simultaneous translations provided)
$@!!(J	Expected Attendance$@!!!!(J	400 people
$@!!(J	Date       December 3 (Fri.) - 4 (Sat.), 1993
$@!!(J	Venue (tentative)        Kogakuin University, Tokyo, Japan
$@!!(J	Official Language        English
$@!!(J	Expected Attendance (closed)
	$@!!!!(J60 people (Workshop participants will be selected according to 
            the recommendationof the Steering and Program Committee.)

$@"!(JKB & KS '93 LIAISON OFFICE$@"!(J
All inquiries should be directed to:
Convention Dept. INS Corporation
HS Bldg. 7-1-9 Nishi-gotanda Shinagawa-ku Tokyo, 141 Japan
Phone:+81-3-3494-1869 Fax:+81-3-3495-2405

$@"!(JOrganizing Committee (tentative)$@"!(J
Kazuhiro Fuchi    Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
Kei Aragaki    Asahi Shimbun,  Japan
Singi Domen    Hitachi, Ltd.,  Japan
Edward A. Feigenbaum    Stanford Univ.,  U.S.A.
Peter M. D. Gray    Univ. of Aberdeen, U.K.
Yunosuke Haga    Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.,  Japan
Shigehisa Hattori    FISC, Japan
Takashi Ichikawa    JIPDEC, Japan
Kazumoto Iinuma    NEC Corp., Japan
Yoshiki Ikeda    Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Japan
Jacques Mathieu    Ministere de l'Industrie et du Commerce Exterieur,  France
Masana Minami    Toshiba Corp.,  Japan
Fumio Mizoguchi    Science Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
Makoto Nagao    Kyoto Univ., Japan
Takayuki Nakajima    Sharp Corp., Japan
Naoshi Nakamura    NTT, Japan
Setsuo Ohsuga    Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
R. P. van de Riet    Vrije Univ., the Netherlands 
Shigeru Sato    Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Japan
Masakazu Soga    Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Japan
Vadim L. Stefanuk    Institute for Information Transmission Problems
		     Russian Academy of Science, Russia 
Koichiro Tamura    ETL, Japan
Hidehiko Tanaka    Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
Hozumi Tanaka    Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan
Tomoki Tsumura    Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., Japan
Seishiro Tsuruho    NTT Data, Japan
Donald E. Walker    Bellcore, U.S.A.
Chen Li Wei    Research Center for Computer and Microelectronics Industrial 
$@!!!!!!!!!!!!(J   Development, China
Hisao Yamada    NACSIS, Japan
Toshio Yokoi    EDR, Japan

$@"!(JSteering and Program Committee (tentative)$@"!(J
Toshio Yokoi    EDR, Japan
Hyan Alshawi    SRI International, U.K.
Haruo Asada    Toshiba Corp., Japan
Christian Boitet    Grenoble Univ., France
Ronald J. Brachman    AT&T Bell Laboratories, U.S.A.
Jaime G. Carbonell    Carnegie-Mellon Univ., U.S.A.
Richard Fikes     Stanford Univ., U.S.A.
Kenneth B. Haase    MIT, U.S.A.
Jiawei Han     Simon Fraser Univ., Canada
Fumio Hattori    NTT, Japan
James A. Hendler    Univ. of Maryland, U.S.A.
Koichi Hori    Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
Dimitris Karagiannis     Universitat Wien,  Austria
Hiroaki Kitano     Carnegie-Mellon Univ., U.S.A.
Douglas B. Lenat     MCC, U.S.A.
Mark Liberman    Univ. of Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Nicolaas J. I. Mars    Univ. of Twente, the Netherlands
Yuji Matsumoto    Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Nara, Japan
John McNaught    UMIST, U.K.
Riichiro Mizoguchi    Osaka Univ., Japan
Fumio Motoyoshi    ETL, Japan
Kazunori Muraki    NEC Corp.,  Japan
Desai Narasimhalu    National Univ. of Singapore,  Singapore
Robert Neches    USC/ISI, U.S.A.
Toyoaki Nishida    Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Nara, Japan
Shojiro Nishio    Osaka Univ., Japan
Katsumi Nitta    Institute for New Generation Computer Technology, Japan
Michael Sperberg-McQueen    Univ. of Illinois, Chicago, U.S.A.
Luc Steels    Free Univ. of Brussels, Belgium
Oliviero Stock    Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica, Italy
Takenobu Tokunaga    Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan
Jun-ichi Tsujii    UMIST, U.K.
Syun Tsuchiya    Chiba Univ., Japan
Hiroshi Uchida    Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Japan
Shoichi Yokoyama    Yamagata Univ., Japan

$@"!(JProgram (tentative)$@"!(J
DEC 1  Wednesday
 9:00  Registration
10:00  Opening Session
$@!!!!!!(J	Opening Addresses	
$@!!!!!!(J	Keynote Address
$@!!!!!!(J	Special Invited Address 
12:00  Lunch
13:00  Session I    Academic and Social Demands for KB&KS
$@!!!!!!(J  Social demands for KB&KS. The importance of mutual cooperation 
$@!!!!!!(J  between KB&KS and social sciences & the humanities, and the formation
$@!!!!!!(J  of a new interdisciplinary area.
14:00  Coffee Break
14:30  Session II    Language Technology and Science
$@!!!!!!(J  The current status and future trends of natural language processing. 
$@!!!!!!(J  Analysis and generation technologies and robust language processing. 
$@!!!!!!(J  The knowledge representation and knowledge base of languages. 
$@!!!!!!(J  Intelligent document processing technology and systems.
DEC 2  Thursday
 9:30  Session III    Knowledge Technology and Science
$@!!!!!!(J  The current status and future trends of knowledge processing. 
$@!!!!!!(J  The standardization and	progress of knowledge representation languages.
$@!!!!!!(J  Shared ontology. Learning, self-organization, and knowledge acquisition.
12:00  Lunch
13:30  Session IV     Sharable Knowledge Sources
$@!!!!!!(J  Databases, text-bases, and knowledge bases that serve as knowledge 
        sources.  Academic information, linguistic data, and collective 
15:30  Coffee Break
16:00  Session V  (Panel Discussion)	
       Information Infrastructure and International Cooperation
$@!!!!!!(J  The importance of developing the foundation of information-oriented 
        societies and how international cooperation should be  carried out. 
        Research & development projects and cooperation framework.
18:00	Closing Session

$@!!!!(JWorkshop topics will be decided after  extensive discussion
$@!!!!(Jby the Steering and Program Committee.

$@"!(JFurther Information$@"!(J
$@!!!!(JThe Second Announcement, with an application form for the conference 
$@!!!!(Jand hotel accommodations, will be issued sometime around the end of June,