Re: krss

Tom Gruber <Gruber@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>
Full-Name: Tom Gruber
Message-id: <2938387783-1767647@KSL-Mac-69>
Sender: Tom Gruber <>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 93  18:49:43 PST
From: Tom Gruber <Gruber@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>
To: Inge Nordb| <>,
        ontolingua <ontolingua@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Re: krss
In-reply-to: Msg of Tue, 15 Dec 1992 05:55:46 +0000 from Inge Nordb| <>
--- Excerpt from Inge Nordb| (Tue, 15 Dec 1992 05:55:46 +0000) ---

> Hi,
> I am working in a European research project aiming at developing a
> support environment for building complex applications characterized
> with time dependent data, uncertainty and incompleteness, (UNITE).
> The approch is to integrate different reasoning schemes for
> handling the different aspects of knowledge both by a common facts
> base (weak integration) and integrated reasoning schemes on a
> common knowledge representation language (strong integration), and
> I find the knowledge sharing effort very interesting.

> I have stuff on the KIF, ontolingua and the KQML.
> Could anyone tell me where I can get information about the
> knowledge representation system specification ?


The KRSS spec is now in the public directory
as the file dl-spec.*

Sorry for the delay in responding.  The KRSS group wanted to get
some agreement before releasing the document.   There are several
other papers in there that might also interest you.  See the
README.TEXT file for the abstracts.
