CFP Domain Knowledge for Interactive System Design Call for Papers
Timothy Finin <>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 1995 11:09:50 -0400
Message-id: <>
From: Timothy Finin <>
To: ontolingua@HPP.Stanford.EDU
Subject: CFP Domain Knowledge for Interactive System Design Call for Papers
This is a conference that is relevant to our interests, but it appears
that all of the people involved are from the software engineering and
intelligent interfaces communities. In the interest of fostering
greater interaction, here it is...
From: (David Benyon)
Subject: CFP Domain Knowledge for Interactive System Design Call for Papers.
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 1995 05:29:54 -0700 (PDT)
IFIP WG 8.1/13.2 Joint Working Conference
Domain Knowledge for Interactive System Design
May 8-10th 1996: Geneva, Switzerland
Program Chairs : Alistair Sutcliffe, City University, UK, Frans Van Assche,
Consultant, Belgium, David Benyon, Open University, UK
General Chair: Janis Bubenko, SISU, Sweden
Local Organiser: Michel Leonard, University of Geneva, Switzerland
There is growing awareness of the importance of the need for explicit
capture and recording of domain knowledge in systems development. Analysis
and definition of requirements depends critically on domain knowledge and
use of such knowledge has vital influence on requirements and design of
interactive systems. This working conference will bring together
researchers and practitioners in information systems, software engineering
and human computer interaction who have interests in domain analysis and
modelling. The objective will be to advance understanding about how domain
knowledge and its acquisition can empower system development methods,
techniques for human computer interaction and development support in CASE
Papers are sought on a variety of themes relating to domain analysis and
* Methods and techniques for analysis and modelling domain knowledge
* Definitions, metaschema and languages for domain modelling
* Development and use of domain knowledge in requirements engineering
* Impact of domains on functional and non functional requirements
* Domain analysis and modelling for software reuse
* Techniques for domain knowledge acquisition and model representation
* Groupware and collaborative capture of domain knowledge
* Use and integration of domain knowledge in task and interaction design
* Enterprise models and knowledge of business contexts
The above topics span the acquisition, representation and use of domain
knowledge in systems development, although the list is not intended to be
exhaustive. Papers which support their theoretical contributions with
empirical evidence will be favoured.
Papers Due 30th October 1995
Programme Committee
Arne Solvberg, Univ. of Trondheim
Colette Rolland, Univ of Paris 1
Barbara Pernici, Politechnico Milano
Tony Wasserman, IDE
Peri Loucopoulos, UMIST
John Long , University College, London
John Dowell, University College, London
Peter Johnson , Queen Mary Westfield College, London
David Benyon , Open University
Ruven Brooks, Schlumberger
Sjaak Brinkemmer, Twente University
Michael Tauber, Univ. of Paderborn
Jack Carroll , Virginia Tech
Allan Maclean , Rank Xerox EUROPARC
Susan Harker , Loughborough University
Anthony Finkelstein, City University
David Till, City University, London
Matthias Jarke, Univ. of Aachen
John Mylopoulos, Univ. of Toronto
Gerhard Fischer, Univ. of Colorado
Dr Gilles Falquet, Univ. of Geneva
Prof Yves Pigneur, Univ. of Lausanne
Kevin Ryan, Univ. of Limerick
Steve Fickas, Univ. of Oregon
Georges Grosz, Univ. of Paris
Neil Maiden, City University, London
Klaus Pohl, Univ. of Aachen
Papers (4 copies), of not more than 5000 words, for research contributions
and/or industrial experience should be submitted by 30th October 1995
Professor Alistair Sutcliffe Tel: +44 171 477 8411
Centre for HCI Design,
School of Informatics, Fax: +44 171 477 8859
City Univeristy,
Northampton Square, Email:
London EC1V 0HB, UK