CFP: FLAIRS '96 Track on Information Interchange

Sy Ali <>
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 13:23:04 -0500
From: Sy Ali <>
Message-id: <>
Subject: CFP: FLAIRS '96 Track on Information Interchange

                             CALL FOR PAPERS

			Key West, FL, May 20-22, 1996

An issue that arises in using Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR)
systems with other real-world applications is how to have a KRR system
communicate and share information with one or more other information
sources, including other KRR systems.

The historical approach to the problem of information interchange has
been to connect two information sources, e.g., databases, agents, expert
systems, KRR systems, Bayesian Networks, etc.) in an ad hoc manner,
designing a custom interface for each of specialized information sources.
A better approach is to find common methodologies by which information and
knowledge can be shared across several heterogeneous sources.

This problem area is often called the problem of knowledge sharing, or
information interchange.  It falls under several research areas including
but not limited to those listed below.

  o Languages (Interlingua, content knowledge representation languages,
    protocol languages, database query languages)

  o Integrated User Interfaces

  o Reasoning (hybrid reasoning, ontological reasoning, analogical reasoning)

  o Agent Mediators, Data Mining, WWW Searching Agents

  o Architectures for knowledge sharing (multi-level knowledge systems, 
    wrappers, data flow hierarchies)

  o Knowledge Translation and Integration (Heterogeneous source
    integration, reasoning with conflicting knowledge)

  o Ontologies (taxonomy and constraint systems, large ``common-knowledge''
    ontologies, e.g., Penman, CYC, Wordnet, etc., Representation and Reasoning
    with Ontologies)

Without restricting focus to any specific language or protocol, this
session will be concerned with the common underlying theories, formalisms,
etc. which explore and define the area, and ultimately enable the sharing
of information between implemented systems.

We solicit papers which explore these issues as well as those which discuss
implementations of solutions to the problems of information interchange and
knowledge sharing.
Additional topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  o  Experience(s) integrating disparate knowledge sources,
     for example, a case history.

  o  Languages (e.g., KIF, KQML) and theories of knowledge interchange 
     (e.g., First Order Predicate Calculus, semantic networks).

  o  Descriptions of practical experience(s) with KRR systems(s),
     for example, a critique of the utility of a particular
     KRR system for knowledge interchange.

  o  Issues that arise in exchanging different kinds of knowledge,
     for example visual knowledge and propositional knowledge.

We are interested in information interchange in its broadest sense, so the
range of appropriate topics is deliberately wide. The distinguishing 
characteristic of this session is the theme of knowledge interchange. Papers
submitted to this session should address this topic explicitly, preferably
in the context of a concrete application.


      Syed S. Ali
      Southwest Missouri State University

      Susan Haller
      University of Wisconsin - Parkside

      Alistair E. Campbell 
      State University of New York at Buffalo

      Tim Finin
      University of Maryland-Baltimore County

      Hans Chalupsky
      State University of New York at Buffalo

Submissions should not exceed 15 pages, 12 point, double spaced text,
with one-inch margins.

We strongly encourage electronic submissions, either plain text or postscript.
Emailed submissions should be emailed to

In the event that electronic submission is not possible, send 6 copies to:


  Syed S. Ali
  ATTN: FLAIRS-96 Information Interchange
  Computer Science Department
  Southwest Missouri State University
  901 South National Avenue
  Springfield, MO 65804

  Tel.: (417) 836-5773
  FAX.: (417) 836-6659 

All accepted papers will be published in the FLAIRS-96 proceedings.


This call for papers is available on the web at the URL:


Up-to-date information (including final schedule) will appear here
as it becomes available.


      Submission Deadline:    October 16, 1995 
      Author Notification:    December, 1995
      Camera Ready Copy Due:  March 18, 1996 
      Conference Dates:       May 20 - 22, 1996 


Florida AI Research Symposium, Key West, FL, May 20-22, 1996

The Ninth Annual Florida AI Research Symposium seeks high quality 
international submissions in all areas of AI. We are especially interested
in papers describing knowledge-based approaches to the construction of
intelligent systems. We construe a system to be "knowledge-based" when
its behavior depends largely on accessing or encoding information. The
symposium will strive for a balance between theory and applications. All
accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings. 

For more information, visit the FLAIRS-96 home page at: