FW: 1995 Description Logics Workshop
"rneches" <rneches@arpa.mil>
Message-id: <n1422787312.67836@mail.arpa.mil>
Date: 5 Jan 1995 19:46:44 -0500
From: "rneches" <rneches@arpa.mil>
Subject: FW: 1995 Description Logics Workshop
To: "KRSS Working Group" <KRSS@cs.umbc.edu>,
"Ontolingua users" <ontolingua@hpp.stanford.edu>
Cc: "Maurizio Lenzerini" <lenzerin@assi.dis.uniroma1.it>
X-Mailer: Mail*Link SMTP-MS 3.0.2
From: Maurizio Lenzerini on Wed, Jan 4, 1995 4:53 AM
Subject: 1995 Description Logics Workshop
To: RNeches@arpa.mil
Here is Announcement and call for papers of the 1995 International Workshop on
Description Logics. Please feel free to pass it on to interested colleagues.
Announcement and call for papers of the 1995 International Workshop on
Description Logics
The 1995 International Workshop on Description Logics continues the tradition
international workshops devoted to discussing developments and applications of
description-oriented knowledge representation formalisms based on logic. The
Workshop will be held at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy ,on
June 2 and 3, 1995.
Interested parties should prepare a short position paper on the subjects they
would like to discuss at the workshop (no more than 5 LaTeX article-style
pages). Subjects to be addressed include the following:
- Foundations of Description Logics, including distinguishing features of
Description Logics with respect to other formalisms, expressive power of
Description Logics, types of reasoning, decidability and complexity results of
reasoning, and relationships with other formalisms.
- Extensions of Description Logics, including, but not limited to, closed
reasoning, defaults, epistemic reasoning, queries, constraints, temporal and
spatial reasoning, procedural knowledge.
- Integration of Description Logics with other formalisms, such as
object-oriented languages and systems, type systems, constraint-based
programming, logic programming, rule-based systems, etc.
- Specification, design and building of representation and reasoning systems
based on Description Logics, concentrating on empirical results, novel
algorithms, and implementation techniques, with special emphasis on their
relationship with theoretical results.
- Applications and use of both Description Logics and representation and
reasoning systems based on them, in areas such as natural language, planning,
learning, databases, software engineering, information management systems,
Please prepare a version of your position paper (preferably as a
LaTeX 12-point article style file) and send it to Maurizio Lenzerini (see
address below), preferably by e-mail, to arrive by February 11, 1995. The
position paper should include references to your past work in the field. We
determine participation in the workshop on or before March 4, 1995, based on
the position papers. Revised versions of the accepted papers should be
on the basis of the comments of the organizers, and sent to them by April 1,
1995. The revised position papers will be electronically distributed to
participants. A technical report consisting of revised versions of the
papers will be produced and distributed after the workshop, and made available
to other researchers.
The Workshop will be held in the Centro Congressi of the University of Rome,
located at the Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, via Salaria 113,
Roma. Costs of attending the workshop (not including room accommodation) will
be approximately 130 USA Dollars. We are trying to get funding for student
support. More precise information on the costs of the Workshop will be
as soon as possible.
Alex Borgida
Maurizio Lenzerini
Daniele Nardi
Bernhard Nebel
Important dates:
Submission: February 11, 1995
Notification: March 4, 1995
Revised papers: April 1, 1995
Workshop: June 2 and 3, 1995
Contact Information:
Maurizio Lenzerini
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza"
via Salaria 113, I-00198 Roma, Italy
Alex Borgida
Dept. of Computer Science
Rutgers University
New Brunswick,NJ 08903, USA
Daniele Nardi
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza"
via Salaria 113, I-00198 Roma, Italy
Bernhard Nebel
Universitaet Ulm
Fakultaet fuer Informatik
D-89069 Ulm, Germany
Maurizio Lenzerini
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
Universita' degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
Via Salaria 113, I-00198 ROMA, Italy
Tel. +39-6-8841954
Fax. +39-6-85300849
E-mail: lenzerini@assi.dis.uniroma1.it