CDR MADEFAST Research Assistant (Joe Wagner)
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Date: Mon, 21 Mar 1994 04:48:01 -0800
From: (Joe Wagner)
Subject: CDR MADEFAST Research Assistant
My name is Joe Wagner and I am the new MADEFAST Research Assistant
at Stanford's Center for Design Research (CDR). I will serve as a point of
contact here and will be maintaining the CDR MADEFAST World Wide Web page,
backed by CDR's Charles Petrie.
I hope initially to assist in integrating people and information
for the MADEFAST project. Towards this end I am making a general call for
information about the resources available to MADEFAST. While we do have a
mailing list (send email to for general
distribution) we are still constructing (discovering?) the infrastructure
for MADEFAST. With your indulgence I would appreciate it if everyone could
send me information, or pointers to information, concerning the following:
1. Who is involved (perhaps even a brief description)? Is the mailing list
- George Toye ( maintains the mailing
list, a copy of which is found in:
2. Is there a single point of contact in each shop that I should use?
3. Finally and most importantly, what specifically are the tools that
people hope to use in this project?
- We already have generated a possible list, but it may have
significant omissions or biases. This list should include
documenting, designing and manufacturing tools.
- Will anyone have difficulty in using the World Wide Web as the
central means of information distribution?
I appreciate your assistance as MADEFAST roars to life. I will no doubt
very soon be contacting many of you individually. It promises to be an
exciting and busy six months and, with the feeling a deer in oncoming
headlights, await all of your replies.
Thank you,
Joe Wagner
The Web page for MADEFAST is currently being updated. I will also shortly
have a new introduction page for myself in the CDR web. However, for those
interested in a bad picture and brief summary of me can look at my entry in
the Mechatronic Systems Design Class resource book:
Joe Wagner
Rains #8H, 704 Campus Drive Voice: (415) 497 - 5857
Stanford, CA 94305