MadeFast planning session agenda issues (Larry Leifer)
Message-id: <9402181917.AB22986@sunrise.Stanford.EDU>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 1994 11:17:09 -0800
"Glenn A. Kramer" <gak@eit.COM>, petrie@sunrise.Stanford.EDU,
toye@sunrise.Stanford.EDU, leifer@sunrise.Stanford.EDU,
Gene Bouchard <>,
"Greg Twiss" <>
From: (Larry Leifer)
Subject: MadeFast planning session agenda issues
Tentative Agenda Issues for next Wednesday's MadeFast planning session:
WHAT: design & build an alternative IRFPA brassboard "seeker"
WHY: win FY'95++ funding
succeed in a Face Value proof of concept challenge
demonstrate R&D needs for FY'95++
WHO: all MADE-Phase-I PI-teams invited;
MADE-Phase-II contractors and consultants invited;
others as needed or inclined
WHEN: the clock started ticking on Thursday, March 10th, 1994
we have a nominal 6 months to:
implement a virtual enterprise
define design requirements for the challenge
design and mfg a prototype
document and publish/demonstrate the
and the content
SUCCESS: get players together
work effectively with cutting edge tools and concepts
deliver hardware/software FAST and effectively
identify key R&D issues to carry forward tools & concepts
FAILURE: MadeFast succeeds but MADE-I people aren't the winners
MadeFast outcome perceived to be "in-significant"
MadeFast isn't visible
OTHER ISSUES: where does MADE fit relative to
Can you all make the MadeFast planning session on Wednesday, 23 Feb,
1:00-4:00?? Please let me know and copy to George Toye (Toye@sunrise),
----------------- earlier msg to NIST on this follows
ACTION ITEM for Kevin:
FYI Pradeep, Pete:
CALENDAR ITEM for all cc:
I am assuming that you may have the source files for the IRFPA Brassboard
Process Modeling viegraphs that were distributed at the DC meeting. I need
them by next wednesday if at all possible. Because:
1. we will hold the first MadeFast'94 working group meeting
from 1:00-4:00 on Wednesday, February 23rd, CDR
(bldg.560 on the stanford campus) (this is just people
within the Stanford area to get started, but includes:
Stanford-CDR (confirmed),
EITech (confirmed),
Rockwell (tbd),
Stanford-KSL (tbd),
Lockheed-AI-Bouchard (tbd)
2. it would be very helpful to have the viewgraph file(s),
(at least full scale viewgraphs) to help everyone get a
deeper feeling for the IRPFA design challenge. i can
handle binhexed files (expecially from PowerPoint or
Framemaker 3.0 (4.0 also feasible), or Microsoft Word 5.1
(RTF also works for MSWord). if we cann't ship the stuff
over internet (please onsider sending a diskette (or 5)
by overnight express.
beyond ViewGraphs, we are eager to get all possible,
unclassified information regarding vendors, geometry
(e.g. 2 or 3D CAD), design-process (design alla CACE/PM),
mfg-process (SL and CNC process models), ...
3. we will post our design process activity on the CDR-Share WWW.
this will include meeting notes as we begin to put our
knowledge capture tools and behavior in place, and
appropriate product/process model information ...
4. can we assume access to the IDA consultants: Joe Lewis,
Azad Madni, Mike Marean ?
5. can we assume immediate access to CACE/PM, either to run
locally or perhaps preferrably to run remotely through
Perceptronics with an "intelligent agent" there to eliminate
any learning delay.
6. there are many more questions, but we'll try to keep from
overdosing, any and all assistance/help/guidance will be