CIKM-94: 3rd Conf on Info and Knowledge Mgmt, (papers due May 1)
Timothy Finin <>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 1994 23:00:24 -0500
From: Timothy Finin <>
Message-id: <>
To:,, interlingua@ISI.EDU,
Subject: CIKM-94: 3rd Conf on Info and Knowledge Mgmt, (papers due May 1)
I'd like to bring your attention to the CIKM-94 -- the Third International
Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (paper deadline May 1).
This scope of CIKM includes many of the issues central to the Knowledge
Sharing Effort, including:
o Application of knowledge representation techniques to semantic modeling
o Development and management of heterogeneous knowledge bases
o Data and knowledge sharing
o Interchange and interoperability
o Cooperation in heterogeneous systems
o Domain modeling and ontology-building
o Intelligent software agents
as well as relevant application areas such as concurrent engineering, digital
libraries, intelligent information retrieval, electronic commerce and
enterprise integration.
I would like to solicit papers relevant to our research areas and will
organize those accepted into a special mini-track. I am also interested in
getting good ideas for keynote speakers, tutorial presentations, and panels.
(Keynote talks relevant to the KSE at CIKM-92 and -93 have included Gio
Wiederhold, Bob Kahn, Mike Papazouglou, Rich Fritzson and Mike Stonebraker.)
CIKM-94 will be held at NIST which should help to have the ideas presented at
the conference to have good visibility in Washington and hopefully a better
opportunity to impact the evolving information technology policy.
Please pass on this call for papers to any interested colleagues or students.
C a l l F o r P a p e r s
C I K M ' 9 4
Third International Conference on Information
and Knowledge Management (CIKM'94)
November 29 - December 2, 1994
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, Maryland
Sponsored by: ACM SIGART and ACM SIGIR, in cooperation with: AAAI,
NIST, UMBC, NSF, Purdue University, and Rutgers University.
The Conference
CIKM provides an international forum for presentation and discussion of
research on information and knowledge management, as well as recent advances
on data and knowledge bases. The purpose of the con ference is to identify
challenging problems facing the development of future knowledge and
information systems, and to shape future directions of research by soliciting
and reviewing high quality, applied and theoretical research findings. An
important part of the conference is the Workshops program which focuses on
timely research challenges and initiatives.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following areas:
o Application of knowledge representation techniques to semantic modeling
o Development and management of heterogeneous knowledge bases
o Automatic acquisition of data and knowledge bases (especially raw text)
o Object-oriented DBMS
o Optimization techniques
o Transaction management
o High performance OLTP systems
o Security techniques
o Performance evaluation
o Hypermedia
o Unconventional applications
o Parallel database systems
o Physical and logical database design
o Data and knowledge sharing
o Interchange and interoperability
o Cooperation in heterogeneous systems
o Domain modeling and ontology-building
o Knowledge discovery in databases
o Information storage and retrieval and interface technology
o Concurrent engineering and computer integrated manufacturing
o Digital Libraries
o Multimedia Databases.
Paper and Workshop Submission
Authors are invited to submit papers and workshop proposals to the
Program Chair at the following address:
Nabil R. Adam, Professor and Chair
Dept. of MS/CIS
GSM - Rutgers University
180 University Ave.
Newark, NJ 07102
Tel: (201) 648-5239
All papers and workshop proposals should reach the program chair by May 1,
94. Authors must send eight (8) DOUBLE-SIDED copies of each paper, not
exceeding 5,000 words, accompanied by a cover let ter containing a list of
all authors, their affiliations, telephone numbers, electronic mail
addresses, and fax numbers. All submissions will be reviewed and judged with
respect to quality and relevance.
Important Dates
Papers & Workshop Submission: ................. May 1, 1994.
Notification of acceptance: ................... July 1, 1994.
Camera Ready Copies Due: ...................... September 1, 1994.
More Information
More information on CIKM-94 can be obtained in a variety of ways. For an
automatic reply with general information send email to
A variety of documents on CIKM-94 and earlier CIKM conferences is available
via the gopher server at, through WWW via the URL, and via ftp from in
Steering Committee
Bruce Blum
Tim Finin
David Jefferson
Keith Humenik
Charles Nicholas
E. K. Park
Yelena Yesha
General Co-Chairs
Bharat Bhargava, Purdue University
Yelena Yesha, UMBC
Program Chair
Nabil R. Adam, Rutgers University
Program Vice-Chairs
R. Ashany, NSF
T. Finin, UMBC
E. Fox, Virginia Polytechnic
S. Hurwitz, NIST
C. Kulikowski, Rutgers University
K. Makki, UNLV
S. Naqvi, Bellcore
E. K. Park, U.S. Naval Academy
N. Pissinou, SW Luisiana U.niversity
M. Singhal, Ohio State University
P. Sokolove, UMBC
S. Spaccapietra, EPFL Lausanne
M. Stonebraker, UC-Berkeley
B. Wah, University of Illinois, UC
Publicity Chair
A. Helal, University of Texas at Arlington
Local Arrangements
E. Fong, NIST
European Coordinator
G. Schlageter, Fern University
Workshop Chair
G. Ozsoyoglu, CWRU
Exhibit Chair
M. Masulo, IBM Watson Research Center
Program Committee
A. El Abbadi, UC-Santa Barbara
Y. Arens, USC/ISI
R. Alonso, MITL
B. Badrinath, Rutgers University
E. Bertino, University of Genoa
G. Belford, UIUC
M. Brodie, GTE Labs
A. Buchmann, Tech. Hochschule Dramstadt
W. Chu, UCLA
J. Clifford, NYU
S. Davidson, University of Pennsylvania
K. Dittrich, Universitat Zurich
R. Elmasri, University of Texas at Arlington
S. Gadia, Iowa Satate University
N. Gehani, At&T Bell Labs.
J. Geller, NJIT
J. Gowens, Army Research Lab
M. Halem, NASA
D. Harman, NIST
K. Humenik, Indiana University
P. Kanellakis, Brown University
M. Kohli, Bellcore
D. Lewis, At&T Bell Labs
R. MacGregor, USC/ISI
R. Martin, NIST
D. McKay, Unisys
J. Mylopoulos, University of Toronto
S. Navathe, Georgia Tech.
E. Neuhold, GMD
T. Nguyen, IBM Watson Research Center
C. Nicholas, UMBC
C. Overton, University of Pennsylvania
M. Ozsoyoglu, Case Western Reserve University
M. Papazoglou, Queensland University of Technology
R. Ramakrishnan, University of Wisconsen-Madison
S. Ray, NIST
P. Scheurmann, Northwestern University
T. Seidman, UMBC
I. Song, Drexel University
K. Sycara, RI/CMU
P. Vassallo, NIST
L. Welch, NIST
W. Wong, DISA
X. Wu, James Cook University
V. Zwass, FDU