Subgroup to Review Logical Foundations of KIF
Richard Fikes <Fikes@HPP.Stanford.EDU>
Full-Name: Richard Fikes
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 93 13:36:31 -0800
From: Richard Fikes <Fikes@HPP.Stanford.EDU>
To: interlingua@ISI.EDU
Subject: Subgroup to Review Logical Foundations of KIF
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Content-Type: TEXT/plain; charset=US-ASCII
In response to the recent discussions on the interlingua mailing list, I, as
co-chair of the Interlingua Working Group, am establishing a working group to
review the logical foundations of KIF and to propose revisions to the KIF
Language Specification in that regard as needed. I am pleased to report that
Pat Hayes has agreed to form and chair the group. Participants in the working
group will include, but will not be restricted to, members of the Interlingua
Working Group. The group will make its recommendations to the full Interlingua
Working Group, which will then take appropriate steps regarding further review
and incorporation into the language specification.
I encourage continuation of constructive discussion of these issues on the
interlingua mailing list. A primary objective of the mailing list is to provide
a forum for such discussions. You can now be assured that there is a capable
group who have taken on the responsibility for considering the points being made
in the discussion and molding them into a coherent proposal.
Richard Fikes