Guy Mineau <mineau@ift.ulaval.ca>
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 93 19:54:24 EDT
From: Guy Mineau <mineau@ift.ulaval.ca>
Message-id: <9304262354.AA02063@auguste.ift.ulaval.ca>
To: interlingua@ISI.EDU, cg@cs.umn.edu
Subject: iccs93-prg
August 3-7, 1993
Quebec City, Canada
Sponsored by
Paramax, A Unisys Company (USA)
NSERC, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Universite Laval, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Butterworth Heinemann Ltd (UK)
In cooperation with
AAAI: American Association for Artificial Intelligence
ACM SIGART: Association for Computing Machinery
CEFRIO: Centre francophone de recherche en informatisation des organisations
CRIM: Le Centre de recherche informatique de Montreal
GIRICO: Le Groupe de recherche en informatique cognitive des organisations
CSSCI: The Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence
Conference theme
Two fields are devoted to the study and development of knowledge-based systems (KBS):
artificial intelligence and cognitive science. Over the past 25 years, researchers
have proposed several approaches for modelling knowledge in KBS, including several
kinds of formalisms: semantic networks, frames, logics, etc. In the early eighties,
John F. Sowa introduced the Conceptual Graph (CG) theory which provides a knowledge
representation framework consisting of a form of logic with a graph notation and
integrating several features from semantic net and frame representations. Since
that time, several research teams over the world have been working on the application
and on the extension of CG theory in various domains ranging from natural language
processing to database modelling and machine learning. This international conference
follows a series of seven annual workshops and aims at providing an active forum for
researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas about the theory and application of
conceptual graphs.
Conference Location
Universite Laval, Centre de formation continue
Pavillon La Laurentienne
Sainte-Foy, Quebec, G1K 7P4, Canada
The conference facilities are located on Laval University campus. A map will be sent to
registered participants.
General Chairman:
John F. Sowa, SUNY Binghamton (USA)
Program Committee and Organizing co-Chairmen:
Guy Mineau, Bernard Moulin, Universite Laval (Canada)
Program Committee
Jerrold Aronson SUNY at Binghamton (USA)
Nick Cercone Simon Fraser University (Canada)
Peter Creasy University of Queensland (Australia)
Veronica Dahl Simon Fraser University (Canada)
Peter Eklund Adelaide University (Australia)
Gerard Ellis University of Queensland (Australia)
John Esch Paramax (USA)
Jean Fargues IBM Paris (France)
Norman Foo University of Sydney (Australia)
Carl Frederiksen McGill University (Canada)
Brian Gaines University of Calgary (Canada)
Roger Hartley New Mexico State University (USA)
Martin Janta CMR, St Jean (Canada)
Pavel Kocura Loughborough Univ. (England)
Debbie Leishman Hughes (Canada)
George Lendaris Portland State University (USA)
Robert Levinson Univ. of Calif. at Santa Cruz (USA)
Sung Myaeng Syracuse University (USA)
Tim Nagle Paramax (USA)
Heather Pfeiffer New Mexico State University (USA)
Gerard Sabah LIMSI-CNRS (France)
Doug Skuce University of Ottawa (Canada)
James Slagle University of Minnesota (USA)
Eric Tsui Continuum Australia Ltd. (Australia)
Paola Velardi University of Ancona (Italy)
Eileen Way SUNY at Binghamton (USA)
Yelena Yesha Univ. of Maryland Baltimore (USA)
Michael Zock LIMSI-CNRS (France)
** August 4 1993
Relating diagrams to logic
John F. Sowa, SUNY at Binghamton (USA)
Although logic is general enough to describe anything that can be implemented on a digital
computer, the unreadability of predicate calculus makes it unpopular as a general design
notation. Instead, many graphic notations have been developed, each specialized for a narrow
range of purposes. Conceptual graphs are a graphic system of logic that is as general as
predicate calculus, but they are comparable to the special-purpose diagrams in readability. In
fact, many popular diagrams can be viewed as special cases of conceptual graphs: type
hierarchies, entity-relationship diagrams, parse trees, dataflow diagrams, flow charts, state
transition diagrams, and Petri nets. This talk shows how various diagrams can be translated
to conceptual graphs and hence into other systems of logic, such as Knowledge Interchange
Format (KIF).
** August 5 1993
Heterogeneous reasoning
Jon Barwise, Departments of Computer Science,
Philosophy and Mathematics, Indiana University, USA
The aim of my address will be to argue for the utility of "homomorphic representations" but
against the quest for a universal homomorphic representational system. As a corollary, I will
argue for the usefulness of heterogeneous reasoning systems and for the special role of
linguistic representations within such systems. I will illustrate the points with examples using
hardware diagrams and Hyperproof.
** August 6 1993
Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF)
Michael Genesereth, Computer Science Department, Stanford University, USA
KIF is a computer-oriented language for the interchange of knowledge among disparate
programs. It has declarative semantics (i.e. the meaning of expressions in the representation
can be understood without appeal to an interpreter for manipulating those expressions); it is
logically expressive (i.e. it provides for the expression of arbitrary sentences in the first-order
predicate calculus); it provides for the representation of knowledge about the representation
of knowledge; it provides for the representation of nonmonotonic reasoning rules; and it
provides for the definition of objects, functions, and relations.
This talk will present KIF and its relationship to conceptual graphs.
** August 7 1993
Representation, discourse, logic and truth: situating knowledge technology
Brian R. Gaines, Knowledge Science Institute, University of Calgary, Canada
The cumulative impact of developments in information technology during the past fifty years
is resulting in major qualitative changes in applications of the technology, from information
processing to knowledge processing. These changes not only involve new technologies,
such as those for knowledge representation and acquisition, but also new social impacts such
as the establishment of major scientific communities whose primary mode of discourse is
through the internet. The conceptual graphs cg list server is a major example of the effective
use of the internet to coordinate the intellectual activities of a widely dispersed research
community. The PEIRCE project is an outstanding example of the effective use of the
internet to initiate, design and coordinate developments of a major software system. This talk
examines these activities from a number of different perspectives. It places the cg list server
and PEIRCE project in the context of the development of the infrastructure of information
technology. It compares the project with other developments in knowledge representation,
and the cg list server with the related activities. Finally, it looks beyond PEIRCE at what will
have been achieved, and what issues will remain to be addressed once this project, and
related ones, have been completed.
** August 3 1993 (AM)
Tutorial on conceptual graphs
John F. Sowa, SUNY at Binghamton (USA)
The first hour of this tutorial will be an overview of conceptual graphs and applications for
the benefit of newcomers and as a review for people who have not been actively working
with them. The second and the third hours will cover more detailed aspects of the CG theory,
such as contexts, indexicals, logic and model theory, and applications to object-oriented
programs and databases.
** August 3 1993 (PM)
Conceptual graph implementation for industrial strength AI
Robert Levinson University of California at Santa Cruz (USA)
It will be shown how Conceptual Graphs can be implemented efficiently to support
associative graph retrieval, experience-based learning, heuristic search, theorem proving and
planning. The major methods used in the core of the Peirce Conceptual Graph workbench
will be elucidated. It will also be shown how the Peirce engine may be adapted to specific
domain applications. This tutorial will combine both theoritical discussions and explanations
with very practical methods for making CGs available to industry today. The theoretical
results will be of the kinds that clarify and simplify complicated issues in knowledge.
Tuesday August 3 1993
8:00 - 9:00 Registration of participants, Pavillion La Laurentienne
9:00 - 12:00 Tutorial presented by John F. Sowa
SUNY at Binghamton (USA)
Logic-based standards for the conceptual schema
14:00 - 17:00 Tutorial presented by Robert Levinson
Univ. of California at Santa Cruz (USA)
Conceptual graph implementation for industrial strength AI
17:30 - 19:00 Welcome cocktail
Pavillion La Laurentienne (Entrance hall)
Registration of participants
Wednesday August 4 1993
8:00 - 9:00 Registration of participants (Pavillion La Laurentienne)
9:00 - 9:30 Welcome Address and Conference Opening
9:30 - 10:30 Invited Talk
Relating diagrams to logic
J. F. Sowa (USA)
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
Session 1: Standards and comparison of theories
11:00 - 11:30 A comparison between conceptual graphs and KL-One
B. Biebow, G. Chaty (France)
11:30 - 12:00 The term definition operators of ontolingua and of the conceptual
graph formalism: a comparison
G. Mineau (Canada)
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch (Dining room)
Session 2: Conceptual Graphs and data conceptual modeling
13:30 - 14:00 Implementing Conceptual Graphs in a RDBMS
B. Bowen, P. Kocura (U. K.)
14:00 - 14:30 A conceptual graphs approach to conceptual schema integration
P. Creasy, G. Ellis (Australia)
14:30 - 15:00 Conceptual graphs for relational databases
C. Boksenbaum, B. Carbonneill,
O. Haemmerl, T. Libourel (France)
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
Session 3: Short papers on CG representation and manipulation
16:00 - 16: 20 Generalized referents: a neat interface for the scruffy work
Jan Schmidt (Czechoslovakia), Pavel Kocura (UK)
16:20 - 16:40 Contexts as white box concepts
J. W. Esch (USA)
16:40 - 17:00 An incremental model of memory formation for a multi-strategy
learning environment
A. Kabbaj, C. Frasson (Canada)
17:00 - 17:20 Graphs and learning
M. Liquire (Runion, France)
17:20 - 18:00 Issues in parallel hardware for graph retrieval
J. D. Roberts, R. Levinson, R. Hughey (USA)
Thursday August 5 1993
8:00 - 8:30 Registration of participants (Pavillion La Laurentienne)
Session 4: Natural Language Processing
8:30 - 9:00 EXOSEME: A document filtering system based on conceptual graphs
M.C. Landau, F. Sillion, F. Vichot (France)
9:00 - 9:30 Inducing a CG representation for basic-level categorization of verbs
R. Basili, M.-T. Pazienza (Italy)
9:30 - 10:00 The representation of linguistic information in an approach used
for modelling temporal knowledge in discourses
B. Moulin (Canada)
10:00 - 10:30 Representing natural language causality in conceptual graphs:
the higher order conceptual relation problem
A. Nazarenko-Perrin (France)
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:00 Invited talk
Heterogeneous logic: reasoning with diagrams and sentences
J. Barwise (USA)
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch (Dining room)
Session 5: Reasoning
13:30 - 14:00 Executable conceptual structures
D.Lukose (U. K.)
14:00 - 14:30 Inverting resolution with conceptual graphs
M. Pagnucco, N. Foo (Australia)
14:30 - 15:00 Towards domain-independent machine intelligence
R. Levinson (USA)
15:30 - 15:45 Coffee Break
Session 6: Short papers on Information Systems
15:45 - 16: 05 Conceptual structures as a modelling formalism for information
systems requirements engineering
R. E. M. Champion (UK)
16:05 - 16:25 The economics of supply and demand: an important challenge for
conceptual graphs
S. Polovina (UK), H. S. Delugach (USA)
16:25 - 16:45 A prototype tool for the capture and resolution of functional
requirements in information systems
I. Petrounias, P. Loucopoulos, R. E. M. Champion (UK)
17:00 Bus tour departure for Montmorency Waterfalls and l'Ile d'Orlans
19:30 - 22:00 Banquet at La Goeliche Inn (Ile d'Orlans)
22:30 - 23:00 Return trip to Laval University
Friday August 6 1993
8:30 - 9:00 Registration of participants
Session 7: Ontologies and Matching
9:00 - 9:30 Efficient retrieval from hierarchies of objects using lattice
G. Ellis (Australia)
9:30 - 10:00 Characterization and algorithmic recognition of canonical conceptual
M.L. Mugnier, M. Chein (France)
10:00 - 10:30 Using a lexicon of conceptual graphs
M. Willems (The Netherlands)
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:00 Invited talk
Knowledge Interchange Format
M. Genesereth (USA)
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch (Dining room)
Session 8: Knowledge Acquisition and Applications
13:30 - 14:00 Acquiring temporal knowledge from schedules
W. Cyre (USA)
14:00 - 14:30 Conceptual structures for modeling in CIM
M. Wermelinger (Portugal), A. Bejan (USA)
14:30 - 15:00 Knowledge elicitation based on the use of conceptual graphs operators
E. Ameur, J.-G. Ganascia (France)
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
Session 9: Short papers on Models, Logic and Peirce
16:00 - 16:20 PEIRCE: His writings, the workbench, and a telecommunity
M. Keeler, C. Kloesel (USA)
16:20 - 16:40 Toward a conceptual actor language for a conceptual graph theory
A. Kabbaj (Canada)
16:40 - 17:00 Of mice, monsters and men: representation of non-standard texts
S. Leclerc, S. de Maisonneuve (Canada)
Saturday August 7 1993
8:00 - 8:30 Registration of participants
Session 10: Existential graphs and Logics and Operations
8:30 - 9:00 Presenting a Peirce logic based inference engine and theorem
prover for conceptual graphs
J.E. Heaton, P. Kocura (UK)
9:00 - 9:30 Operations on conceptual structures and Peirce's system of existential
B. Emond (Canada)
9:30 - 10:00 Modal logics for conceptual graphs
H. van den Berg (The Netherlands)
10:00 - 10:30 Fuzzy conceptual graphs - representation and graph operations
V. Wuwongse, M. Manzano (Thailand)
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:00 Invited talk
Representation, Discourse, logic and truth: situating Knowledge
B. Gaines (Canada)
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch (Dining room)
Session 11: Short papers on Natural Language, Ontologies and Reasoning
13:30 - 13:50 Applying conceptual graphs for inference detection using second path
H. S. Delugach, T. H. Hinke, A. J. Chandrasekhar (USA)
13:50 - 14:10 Hierarchy of relational types in conceptual graphs to handle natural
language parsing
G. Sabah, A. Vilnat (France)
14:10 - 14:30 Logical encoding of conceptual graph lattices
V. Dahl, A. Fall (Canada)
14:30 - 14:50 A conceptual semantics ontology for conceptual graphs
M. Willems (The Netherlands)
14:50 - 15:00 Closing of the Conference
15:00 - 15:15 Coffee Break
15:15 - 17:30 Peirce Meeting
This meeting will be held under the supervision of G. Ellis and R. Levinson.
The program of this meeting will be given to participants on Saturday morning.
Longtime national capital under the French and English regimes, Quebec City has preserved
this role at the provincial level. The oldest city in North America, it offers an interesting blend
of early and modern architecture. It is the only fortified city north of Mexico. Its impressive
walls, originally designed to block access to the city, today invite visitors to enjoy the subtle
harmony of various architectural styles. Because Le Vieux Quebec is a unique site that has
attracted world attention, it was the first North American city to be included on UNESCO's
prestigious world heritage list. Perched atop cap Diamant, the historic district overlooks the
St. Lawrence River and offers numerous breathtaking views of the South Shore, l'ile
d'Orleans, the Lower city and the Laurentians. It is a charming piece of Europe in North
America. Visitors new to Quebec City experience first surprise, and then, infatuation: superb
French cuisine and Gallic ambiance; tiny streets where you will discover a wealth of historic
sights, arts and crafts; the impressive Plains of Abraham. And above all, the regal elegance of
Le Chateau Frontenac, with its 18 th century charm.
L'ile d'Orleans is a beautiful island located in the middle of St Lawrence River, 10 miles
>From Quebec City. It is a living treasure chest of history, an authentic sanctuary of century-
old homes, churches, mills, chapels, where visitors can admire four centuries of work by a
highly original people. In 1970, the island was classified a historical district.
On Thursday afternoon (August 5) we will visit this peaceful area. The conference banquet
will take place in La Goeliche Inn, a typical French Canadian colonial-style inn.
Quebec City area offers a variety of interesting tour destinations. You can ask detailed
information and brochures (in French or in English) at the following address:
Centre d'information de l'Office du tourisme de la CUQ
60 rue d'Auteuil
Quebec, QC G1R 4C4, Canada
Phone: (418) 692 2471
There are several possibilities.
1. A special rate has been negotiated for ICCS'93 Conference participants with an hotel
which is about a 5 minute walk from the conference facilities:
Auberge Universel, 2500 chemin Ste Foy, Ste-Foy, Qubec G1K 7P4, Canada
phone: (418) 653 5250 fax: (418) 653 4486
Please make your own reservation by directly contacting the hotel. Group rates have been
obtained from the hotel. Please indicate the name of the group (ICCS'93 Conference) when
making your reservations. The following rates (excluding taxes) are guaranteed until June 5
1993: CA$ 58.00 for one person, CA$ 61.00 for 2 persons, CA$ 66.00 for 3 persons, CA$ 71.00
for 4 persons. When arriving in Quebec City Airport, make sure that you ask the taxi driver to go to
Auberge Universel on Chemin Ste Foy (There is another Motel Universel in Quebec). The
taxi fare from the airport should be around CA$ 20.00.
2. You can get a room in the University residences. 75 single occupancy rooms have been
blocked for the conference participants. If you want to reserve a room, please indicate the
name of the group (ICCS'93 Conference) when making your reservations.
The rate is CA$ 32.00 per night, excluding taxes.
Included: Single occupancy room, on campus parking permit, breakfast, sheets, towels and
soap, daily maid service. Each room is equipped with a sink, bathroom facilities on each
floor. Check out time: 11:00 a.m.
You must make your reservation before July 1 1993. A one night deposit is required.
Visa and Mastercard are accepted.
You should contact :
Summer housing supervisor
Service des residences, Laval University,
Pavillon Parent , Ste Foy, Quebec G1K 7P4, Canada
Phone: (418) 656 5632 Fax: (418) 656 2801
3. If you want to stay in another hotel, please contact us. We will send you a list of hotels in
the area.
Before June 15 1993 After June 15 1993
Program Committee members,
Authors ................................ CA$ 500.00 CA$ 550.00
Graduate students ............................. CA$ 500.00 CA$ 550.00
(send us a photocopy of your student-card)
Other participants ........................... CA$ 550.00 CA$ 600.00
Conference registration includes a participant kit, a cocktail, four lunches taken in a dinning
room on the conference site, coffee breaks, banquet participation and a bus tour on l'Ile
d'Orleans, the proceedings book (around 600 pages) published by Springer Verlag, and
complementary proceedings (hand-out format, around 400 pages).
Before June 15 1993 After June 15 1993
Persons registered to the conference .......... CA$ 35.00 CA$ 50.00
Graduate students ............................. CA$ 25.00 CA$ 40.00
(send us a photocopy of your student-card)
Persons attending tutorials only ............. CA$ 50.00 CA$ 75.00
** Payment made payable to ICCS'93 Conference
using one of the following options:
. Bank Check (for Canadian participants only)
. International money order
. Banker's Draft
** If you want to pay by bank transfer, you must add CA$20.00 to your fees for covering
bank administrative charges that we will have to pay, when receiving your transfer.
Our bank is:
Caisse Populaire Desjardins,
Universite Laval, Cite Universitaire
Ste Foy, QC, G1K 7P4, Canada
Phone: (418) 656 2358 Fax: (418) 656 0224
Bank number: 815-20439
Our account number is 56364 and its name is Conference ICCS'93.
Give my name as a reference: Bernard Moulin, Laval University, Computer Science
Department, Pavillon Pouliot.
If you make the bank transfer, please take a photocopy of the document, and send it to us by
mail or fax. Sometimes banks do not give the relevant information when transfering the
funds, and it is difficult to know who made the transfer.
Participant Information
Last name: ........................................
First name: .......................................
Organization: .......................................
Complete address:
Zip / Postal Code:
Phone: ( )
Fax: ( )
If you are a student, please indicate your Student-id:
Send us a photocopy of your student card
Please indicate the appropriate details of your payment
Conference fee: ..................
Tutorial 1 (J. Sowa) ..................
Tutorial 2 (R. Levinson) ..................
Amount enclosed: ..................
Signature: ...................
Date: ...................
Please, don't forget to enclose your payment with your registration form, and send them to:
Laval University
Computer Science Department,
Conference ICCS'93, G. Mineau, B. Moulin
Pavillon Pouliot
Ste Foy, QC G1K 7P4, Canada
Phone: (418) 656 7979
Fax: (418) 656 2324
Written requests for refunds must be sent to Bernard Moulin not later than June 30 1993.
Refunds are subject to a CA$ 50.00 processing fee. After June 30 1993, no refund will be
It would be very helpful to us if you could dissiminate that information by posting it every
where: on bulletin boards, on news nets, etc. Thank you for your help.