Working Group Meeting at AAAI'92

Richard Fikes <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1992 11:04:26 PDT
From: Richard Fikes <>
Subject: Working Group Meeting at AAAI'92
To: Interlingua-working-group@ISI.EDU
Message-id: <>

As I mentioned in an earlier message, Mike and I want to have a meeting of the
Interlingua Working Group at next month's AAAI conference.  (See below.)  In
particular, we would like to have a dinner meeting Tuesday evening.  Let us
know whether you would attend a Tuesday evening meeting.  If you have
conflicts that evening, let us know whether you would attend a Sunday evening



>From the earlier message regarding the planned meeting --

In particular, we would like to have a meeting of the working group focused on
consideration of objectives and plans for future working group activities,
rather than technical discussions of details of the language specification. 
The meeting could begin with brief status reports of working group activities
such as development of KIF translators and use of KIF in testbed experiments
in order to set the context for the discussions regarding future directions. 
Given the demands on everyone's time at the conference, I suspect we will need
to limit the meeting to a few hours (perhaps an evening including dinner). 
