Conference on Info. and Knowledge Management (CIKM-92) (Timothy Finin)
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 92 00:51:51 EST
From: (Timothy Finin)
Message-id: <>
To: kr-advisory@ISI.EDU, interlingua@ISI.EDU, kqml@ISI.EDU, srkb@ISI.EDU,,
Subject: Conference on Info. and Knowledge Management (CIKM-92)
X-Organization: Computer Science, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
X-Address: UMBC, Baltimore MD 21228. 410-455-3522, fax: -3969

I thought that you might find this conference of interest, since its
scope includes heterogeneous KBs, interoperability and knowledge
sharing. Tim

                C A L L     F O R    P A P E R S

               First International Conference on 

    November 8 - 11, 1992  Radisson Hotel, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
                       Sponsored by ISMM
         in cooperation with AAAI, SIGART, SIGIR, IEEE, ACM

The conference provides an international forum for presentation and 
discussion of research on information and knowledge management, as well
as recent advances on data and knowledge bases.

Authors are invited to submit papers and proposals for tutorials con-
cerned with theory or practice or both.  The focus of the conference
includes but is not limited to, the following: application of knowledge
representation techniques to semantic data modeling; development and  
management of heterogeneous knowledge bases; automatic acquistion of
data and knowledge bases especially from raw text; object-oriented DBMS;
optimization techniques; transaction management; high performance OLTP
systems; security techniques; performance evaluation; hypermedia; uncon-
ventional applications; parallel database systems; physical and logical
database design; data and knowledge sharing; interchange and interopera-
bility; cooperation in heterogenous systems; domain modeling and ontology-
building; knowledge discovery in databases; information storage and
retrieval and interface technology.

                      Instructions to Authors

All submissions must be accompanied by a cover letter containing a
list of all authors, their affiliations, telephone numbers, electronic
mail addresses, and fax telephone numbers.  Papers should be at most
most 20 double-spaced pages and must include an abstract of 100-150
with five keywords. All submissions will be reviewed and will be
judged with respect to quality and relevance.

Authors must submit five copies of each paper or tutorial proposal to
the program chairman.

Program Chair: Dr. Yelena Yesha
-------------  Computer Science Department
               University of Maryland            Telephone: +1 410-455-3000
               5401 Wilkens Ave                  Fax: +1 410 455-3969
               Baltimore, Maryland, 21228-5398   Email:

For more information about the conference (as opposed to paper submissions)
submissions), send e-mail to

                        Student Paper Award

The author of the best student paper will receive an award for his/her
submission. To be eligible, the student must be the first author and
primary contributor to the paper.  The cover letter must identify the
paper as a candidate for this competition.

                          IMPORTANT DATES
Deadline for paper and/or tutorial submission:    May 31, 1992
Notification of acceptance:                       July 15, 1992
Camera ready papers due:                          August 10, 1992

                      CONFERENCE CO-CHAIRS

           Tim Finin (USA)             A. F. Norcio (USA)

                         PROGRAM CHAIR

                         Yelena Yesha

                      ORGANIZING COMMITTEE

           Bruce Blum                  Keith Humenik
           John Meisenbacher           E. K. Park

                       PROGRAM COMMITTEE

           Rafael Alonso (USA)         Ahmed K. Elmagarmid (USA)  
           Ed Fox (USA)                Mark Fox (Canada) 
           George Gardarin (France)    Larry Kerschberg (USA)  
           Mike Liu (USA)              Peter Matthews (USA)
           James Mayfield (USA)        Don McKay (USA)  
           Daniel Menasce (USA)        Shamkant B. Navathe (USA)
           Bob Neches (USA)            Charles Nicholas (USA)
           Chris Overton (USA)         Mike Papazouglou (AUS)
           Yun Peng (USA)              Larry Reeker (USA)
           Karen Ryan (USA)            Ralph Semmel (USA)
           Stu Shapiro (USA)           Amit Sheth (USA)
           Deepinder Sidhu (USA)       Mukesh Singhal (USA)
           Il-Yeol Song (USA)          John Sowa (USA)
           Brooke Stephens (USA)       Alex Thomasian (USA)
           Patrick Valduriez (France)  Lawrence A. Welsch (USA)