Shahar, Y.

Shahar, Y.

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Shahar, Y. Dynamic Induction of Temporal Interpretation Contexts. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, January, 1996.

Shahar, Y. Knowledge-Based Temporal Interpolation. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, January, 1996.

Musen, M.; Tu, S.; Das, A.; & Shahar, Y. A Component-Based Approach to Automation of Protocol-Directed Therapy. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, 1996, 1996.

Shahar, Y. & Molina, M. Knowledge-Based Spatiotemporal Abstraction. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, March, 1996.

Shahar, Y.; Miksch, S.; & Johnson, P. An Intention-Based Language for Sharing Clinical Guidelines. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, March, 1996.

Shahar, Y. & Purcell, G. The Context-Sensitive Pattern-Matching Task. Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1995.

Shahar, Y. & Musen, M. A. Knowledge-Based Temporal Abstraction in Clinical Domains. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, February, 1995.

Musen, M. A.; Tu, S. W.; Das, A. K.; & Shahar, Y. A Component-Based Architecture for Automation of Protocol-Directed Therapy. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, 1995.

Shahar, Y. A Framework for Knowledge-Based Temporal Abstraction. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, March, 1995.

Shahar, Y. & Musen, M. A. Plan Recognition and Revision in Protocol-Based Care. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, April, 1995.

Shahar, Y. Dynamic Temporal Interpretation Contexts for Temporal Abstraction. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Section on Medical Informatics, December, 1995.

Shahar, Y.; Das, A. K.; Tu, S. W.; & Musen, M. A. Knowledge-Based Temporal Abstraction in Clinical-Management Tasks. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, February, 1994.

Aben, M.; Shahar, Y.; & Musen, M. A. Temporal Abstraction Mechanisms as KADS Inferences. t, 1994.

Tu, S. W.; Eriksson, H.; Gennari, J.; Shahar, Y.; & Musen, M. A. Ontology-Based Configuration of Problem-Solving Methods and Generation of Knowledge-Acquisition Tools: Application of PROTÉGÉ-II to Protocol-Based Decision Support. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, December, 1994.

Shahar, Y.; Das, A. K.; Tu, S. W.; Kraemer, F. B.; & Musen, M. A. Knowledge-Based Temporal Abstraction for Diabetic Monitoring. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, November, 1994.

Das, A. K.; Shahar, Y.; Tu, S. W.; & Musen, M. A. A Temporal-Abstraction Mediator for Protocol-Based Decision-Support Systems. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1994.

Shahar, Y.; Das, A. K.; Tu, S. W.; Kraemer, F. B.; Basso, L. V.; & Musen, M. A. Knowledge-Based Temporal Abstraction in Diabetes Therapy. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, July, 1994.

Shahar, Y. A Knowledge-Based Method for Temporal Abstraction of Clinical Data. Ph.D. Thesis, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, 1994.

Shahar, Y. & Musen, M. A. Plan Recognition and Revision in Support of Guideline-Based Care. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, Stanford CA, 1994.

Shahar, Y.; Aben, M.; & Musen, M. A. A Framework for Acquiring Temporal-Abstraction Knowledge. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, January, 1993.

Kuilboer, M. M.; Shahar, Y.; Wilson, D. M.; & Musen, M. A. Knowledge Reuse: Temporal Abstraction Mechanisms for the Assessment of Children's Growth. 1993.

Shahar, Y.; Tu, S.; & Musen, M. Using Temporal-Abstraction Mechanisms for Patient Monitoring. AAAI, Stanford, CA, 1992.

Shahar, Y. & Musen, M. A. A Temporal-Abstraction System for Patient Monitoring. Washington, D.C., 1992.

Shahar, Y.; Tu, S. W.; Das, A. K.; & Musen, M. A. A Problem-Solving Architecture for Managing Temporal Data and Their Abstractions. AAAI, San Jose, CA, 1992.

Tu, S.; Shahar, Y.; & Musen, M. Protocol-Based Therapy Management for Graft-Versus-Host Disease. AAAI, Stanford, CA, 1992.

Eriksson, H.; Shahar, Y.; Tu, S. W.; Puerta, A. R.; & Musen, M. A. Task Modeling with Reusable Problem-Solving Methods. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, April, 1992.

Eriksson, H.; Shahar, Y.; Tu, S. W.; Puerta, A. R.; & Musen, M. A. Task Modeling with Reusable Problem-Solving Methods. 1992.

Shahar, Y. & Musen, M. RESUME: A Temporal-Abstraction System for Patient Monitoring. September, 1993.

Shahar, Y.; Tu, S.; & Musen, M. Temporal-Abstraction Mechanisms in Management of Clinical Protocols. Washington, DC, 1991.

Tu, S.; Shahar, Y.; Dawes, J.; Winkles, J.; Puerta, A.; & Musen, M. A Problem-Solving Model for Episodic Skeletal-Plan Refinement. 1991.

Shahar, Y.; Tu, S. W.; & Musen, M. A. Knowledge Acquisition for Temporal-Abstraction Mechanisms. 1992.

Musen, M. A.; Tu, S. W.; & Shahar, Y. A Problem-Solving Model for Protocol-Based Care: From e-ONCOCIN to EON. Palexpo Geneva, Switzerland, 1992.

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