
RESUME: A Temporal-Abstraction System for Patient Monitoring

Reference: Shahar, Y. & Musen, M. RESUME: A Temporal-Abstraction System for Patient Monitoring. September, 1993.

Abstract: RESUME is a system that performs temporal abstraction of time-stamped data. The temporal-abstraction task is crucial for planning treatment, for executing treatment plans, for identifying clinical problems, and for revising treatment plans. The RESUME system is based on a model of three basic temporal-abstraction mechanisms: point temporal abstraction, a mechanism for abstracting the values of several parameters into a value of another parameter; temporal inference, a mechanism for inferring sound logical conclusions over a single interval or two meeting intervals; and temporal interpolation, a mechanism for bridging nonmeeting temporal intervals. Making explicit the knowledge required for temporal abstraction supports the acquisition of that knowledge. We have implemented the RESUME system using the CLIPS knowledge-representation shell. The RESUME system emphasizes the need for explicit representation of temporal-abstraction knowledge, and the advantages of modular, task-specific but domain-independent architectures for building medical knowledge-based systems.

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