Horvitz, E.
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- KSL-93-47
- Dagum, P.; Galper, A.; Horvitz, E.; & Seiver, A. Uncertain Reasoning and Forecasting. 1993.
- KSL-92-50
- Dagum, P. & Horvitz, E. J. Reformulating Inference Problems through Selective Conditioning. Stanford, CA, 1992.
- KSL-92-51
- Dagum, P.; Galper, A.; & Horvitz, E. J. Dynamic Network Models for Forecasting. Stanford, CA, 1992.
- KSL-92-55
- Horvitz, E. J. Automated Reasoning for Biology and Medicine. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993.
- KSL-92-66
- Heckerman, D. E.; Horvitz, E. J.; & Nathwani, B. N. Toward Normative Expert Systems: Part I The Pathfinder Project. 1992.
- KSL-91-15
- Heckerman, D.; Horvitz, E.; & Middleton, B. An Approximate Nonmyopic Computation for Value of Information. University of California, Los Angeles, 1991.
- KSL-91-33
- Horvitz, E. & Rutledge, G. Time-Dependent Utility and Action Under Uncertainty. Morgan Kaufman, Los Angeles, 1991.
- KSL-91-44
- Heckerman, D. F.; Horvitz, E. J.; & Nathwani, B. N. The Pathfinder Project: Update 1991. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1991.
- KSL-91-54
- Dagum, P. & Horvitz, E. A Bayesian Analysis of Randomized Approximation Procedures. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, September, 1991.
- KSL-91-64
- Dagum, P.; Galper, A.; & Horvitz, E. Temporal Probabilistic Reasoning: Dynamic Network Models for Forecasting. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1991.
- KSL-91-67
- Dagum, P. & Horvitz, E. A Bayesian Analysis of Simulation Algorithms for Inference in Belief Networks. 1993.
- KSL-90-08
- Heckerman, D.; Horvitz, E. J.; & Nathwani, B. N. Toward Normative Expert Systems: The Pathfinder Project. KSL, February, 1990.
- KSL-90-09
- Shwe, M.; Middleton, B.; Heckerman, D.; Henrion, M.; Horvitz, E.; Lehmann, H.; & Cooper, G. Probabilistic Diagnosis Using a Reformulation of the INTERNIST-1/QMR Knowledge Base I. The Probabilistic Model and Inference Algorithms. 1991.
- KSL-90-11
- Shwe, M.; Middleton, B.; Heckerman, D.; Henrion, M.; Horvitz, E.; Lehmann, H.; & Cooper, G. A Probabilistic Reformulation of the Quick Medical Reference System. 1990.
- KSL-90-26
- Horvitz, E. J. & Breese, J. S. Ideal Partition of Resources for Metareasoning. KSL, March, 1990.
- KSL-90-27
- Breese, J. S. & Horvitz, E. J. Principles of Problem Reformulation Under Uncertainty. KSL, September, 1990.
- KSL-90-28
- Breese, J. S. & Horvitz, E. J. Ideal Reformulation of Belief Networks. Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, MA, 1990.
- KSL-90-68
- Middleton, B.; Shwe, M.; Heckerman, D.; Henrion, M.; Horvitz, E.; Lehmann, H.; & Cooper, G. Probabilistic Diagnosis Using a Reformulation of the INTERNIST-1/QMR Knowledge Base II. Evaluation of Diagnostic Performance. 1991.
- KSL-90-76
- Horvitz, E. Computation and Action Under Bounded Resources. Ph. D. Thesis, Stanford University, 1990.
- KSL-90-81
- Horvitz, E. Computation and Action Under Bounded Resource. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, December, 1990.
- KSL-89-01
- Horvitz, E. J.; Heckerman, D. E.; & Cooper, G. F. Reflection and Action Under Scarce Resources: Theoretical Principles and Empirical Study. 1989.
- KSL-89-24
- Horvitz, E. J.; Heckerman, D. E.; Ng, K. C.; & Nathwani, B. N. Heuristic Abstraction in the Decision-Theoretic Pathfinder System. Washington D. C., 1989.
- KSL-89-25
- Heckerman, D. E.; Horvitz, E. J.; & Nathwani, B. N. Update on the Pathfinder Project. Washington D.C., 1989.
- KSL-89-30
- Horvitz, E. J. Some Fundamental Problems and Opportunities From the Standpoint of Rational Agency. KSL, October, 1990.
- KSL-89-42
- Horvitz, E. J.; Suermondt, H. J.; & Cooper, G. F. Bounded Conditioning: Flexible Inference for Decisions Under Scarce Resources. Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, WIndsor, ON, 1989.
- KSL-89-58
- Heckerman, D. E.; Breese, J. S.; & Horvitz, E. J. The Compilation of Decision Models. 1989.
- KSL-89-67
- Heckerman, D. & Horvitz, E. J. Problem Formulation as the Reduction of a Decision Problem. Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, MA, 1990.
- KSL-89-81
- Horvitz, E. J. Rational Metareasoning and Compilation for Optimizing Decisions under Bounded Resources. Milan, Italy, 1989.
- KSL-88-13
- Horvitz, E. J.; Breese, J. S.; & Henrion, M. Decision Theory in Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence. 1988.
- KSL-88-30
- Cooper, G.; Horvitz, E.; & Heckerman, D. A Method for Temporal Probabilistic Reasoning. October, 1990.
- KSL-88-35
- Horvitz, E. J. Reasoning Under Varying and Uncertain Resource Constraints. Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1986.
- KSL-88-36
- Horvitz, E. J. & Suermondt, J. Bounded Conditioning: A Flexible Probabilistic Inference Algorithm. October, 1990.
- KSL-87-16
- Horvitz, E. J. Inference under Varying Resource Limitations. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 1987.
- KSL-87-28
- Horvitz, E. J. A Multiattribute Utility Approach to Inference Understandability and Explanation. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 1987.
- KSL-87-53
- Heckerman, D. & Horvitz, E. J. On the Expressiveness of Rule-Based Systems for Reasoning with Uncertainty. 1987.
- KSL-87-64
- Horvitz, E. J. Problem-Solving Design: Reasoning about Computational Value, Tradeoffs, and Resources. Mountain View, CA, 1987.
- KSL-86-02
- Horvitz, E.; Heckerman, D.; Nathwani, B.; & Fagan, L. The Use of a Heuristic Problem-Solving Hierarchy to Facilitate the Explanation of Hypothesis-Directed Reasoning. 1986.
- KSL-86-25
- Horvitz, E. J.; Heckerman, D. E.; & Langlotz, C. P. A Framework for Comparing Alternative Formalisms for Plausible Reasoning. Morgan Kaufmann, 1986.
- KSL-86-33
- Heckerman, D. E. & Horvitz, E. J. The Myth of Modularity in Rule-Based Systems for Reasoning with Uncertainty. 1986.
- KSL-86-55
- Horvitz, E. J. Reasoning About Beliefs and Actions Under Computational Resource Constraints. Seattle, Washington, 1987.
- KSL-86-55
- Horvitz, E. Reasoning About Computational Tradeoffs In a World of Bounded Resources. November, 1986.
- KSL-86-75
- Horvitz, E. J. Toward a Science of Expert Systems. 1986.
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