Detmer, W.

Detmer, W.

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Detmer, W. M. & Shortliffe, E. H. A Model of Clinical Query Management that Supports Integration of Biomedical Information Over the World Wide Web. Knowledge Systems Laboratory Medical Computer Science, April, 1995.

Detmer, W. M. & Shortliffe, E. H. A Model of Clinical Query Management that Supports Integration of Biomedical Information Over the World Wide Web. New Orleans, LA, 1995.

Middleton, B.; Detmer, W. M.; & Musen, M. A. Diagnostic Decision Support. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, September, 1995.

Detmer, W. M. & Friedman, C. P. Academic Physicians' Assessment of the Effects of Computers on Health Care. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, November, 1994.

Detmer, W. M.; Shiffman, S.; Wyatt, J. C.; Friedman, C. P.; Lane, C. D.; & Fagan, L. M. A Continuous-Speech Interface to a Decision-Support System: II. An Evaluation Using a Wizard-of-Oz Experiment. 1994.

Shiffman, S.; Detmer, W. M.; Lane, C. D.; & Fagan, L. M. A Continuous-Speech Interface to a Decision-Support System: I. Techniques to Accommodate for Misrecognized Input. 1994.

Wyatt, J. C.; Detmer, W. M.; & Fagan, L. M. Design and Evaluation of Multimedia Stimuli to Evoke Clinical Concepts. Washington D.C., 1993.

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