
A Continuous-Speech Interface to a Decision-Support System: I. Techniques to Accommodate for Misrecognized Input

Reference: Shiffman, S.; Detmer, W. M.; Lane, C. D.; & Fagan, L. M. A Continuous-Speech Interface to a Decision-Support System: I. Techniques to Accommodate for Misrecognized Input. 1994.

Abstract: Our objective was to build a speech interface for use with a medicaldecision- support application. We used a commercially available speech-recognition system to obtain textual representations of input utterances and we generated grammars to supply the anticipated utterances for the recognition system. We designed the interface to identify controlled vocabulary terms from grammatical and ungrammatical textual transcriptions of utterances. Our method included two steps: translation of the controlled vocabulary terms and textual representations of input utterances into keyword- based canonical forms, and matching canonical forms of input utterances to canonical forms of the controlled vocabulary terms. Evaluation of the speech interface indicated that this matching approach increased the identification of terms from misrecognized utterances.

Notes: Updated February 1995.

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