How Things Work Project
List of Publications
Reasoning about Functions:
- Y. Iwasaki, R. Fikes, A. Farquhar, and R. Engelmore. "Function-Based Engineering Part Retrieval." Working Notes of AAAI Workshop on Modeling and Reasoning with Function, August, 1996.
- Y. Iwasaki, M. Vescovi, R. Fikes and B. Chandrasekaran. "A Causal
Functional Representation Language with Behavior-Based Semantics."
Applied Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 9(1), pp. 5-31,
January-February 1995.
- B. Chandrasekaran, A. Goel, and Y. Iwasaki. "Functional
Representation as Design Rationale." IEEE Computer,
January 1993.
- Y. Iwasaki, R. Fikes, M. Vescovi, and B. Chandrasekaran. "How
Things are Intended to Work: Capturing Functional Knowledge in Device
Design." Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, 1993. Also available as KSL 93-39.
- M. Vescovi, Y. Iwasaki, R. Fikes, and B. Chandrasekaran. "CFRL:
A Language for Specifying the Causal Functionality of Engineered
Devices." Proceedings of the Eleventh National Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, 1993. Also available as KSL 93-38.
- Y. Iwasaki and B. Chandrasekaran. "Design verification through
function and behavior-oriented representations: Bridging the gap
between function and behavior." Proceedings of the Second
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Design,
Model Formulation:
- D. Bobrow, B. Falkenhainer, A. Farquhar, R. Fikes, K. Forbus,
T. Gruber, Y. Iwasaki, and B. Kuipers. "A Compositional Modeling
Language". Working Notes of The Tenth International Workshop
on Qualitative Reasoning, Iwasaki & Farquhar (eds). AAAI Technical
Report WS-96-01. AAAI Press. May 1996.
- Alon Y. Levy, Y. Iwasaki, and Richard Fikes. "Automated Model Selection for Simulation Based on Relevance Reasoning."
To appear in Artificial Intelligence.
- D. Chi and Y. Iwasaki. "Abstraction Framework for Compositional
Modeling." Working Notes of the Eighth International Workshop
on Qualitative Reasoning about Physical Systems, June 1994.
- Y. Iwasaki. "Compositional Modeling." The Journal of the
Japanese Society of Instrumentation and Control Engineering,
Vol. 32, No. 9, 1993. In Japanese.
- Y. Iwasaki and A. Levy. "Automated Model Selection for
Simulation." Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, 1994. Also available as KSL 93-11.
- A. Levy, Y. Iwasaki and H. Motoda. "Relevance reasoning to guide
compositional modeling." Proceedings of the Pacific Rim
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1992.
Hybrid Systems:
- Y. Iwasaki, A. Farquhar, V. Saraswat, D. Bobrow, and V. Gupta.
"Modeling Time in Hybrid Systems: How Fast is 'Instantaneous'?"
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, 1995.
Model-Based Reasoning:
- Y. Iwasaki, R. Engelmore, G. Fehr, R. Fikes, A. Farquhar, and
T. Gruber. "Operator Procedure Verification with a Rapidly
Reconfigurable Simulator." Proceedings of the Third
International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and
Automation for Space, 1994.
- Y. Iwasaki, and C. M. Low. "Model Generation and Simulation of
Device Behavior with Continuous and Discrete Changes."
Intelligent Systems Engineering, Vol 1, No. 2, 1993.
Also available as Technical Report, KSL 91-69, Knowledge Systems
Laboratory, Stanford University, 1991.
- Y. Iwasaki and C. M. Low. "Device Modeling Environment: An
Integrated Model Formulation-Simulation Environment for Continuous
and Discrete Phenomena." Proceedings of the First International
Conference on Intelligent Systems Engineering, 1992.
- Y. Iwasaki. "Reasoning with multiple abstraction models."
Recent Advances in Qualitative Physics. B. Faltings and
P. Struss (eds.) . MIT Press. 1992.
- Y. Iwasaki. "Towards an integrated model-based reasoning
environment." Computer Kagaku, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1991. In
Qualitative Reasoning:
- M. Vescovi, A. Farquhar, and Y. Iwasaki. "Numerical Interval
Simulation: Bounding Behaviors of Non-Monotonic Systems."
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, 1995.
- Y. Iwasaki. "Qualitative physics beyond automated mathematics."
Computational Intelligence, Vol 8, No. 2, May 1992.
- J. Kalagnanam, H. A. Simon., and Y. Iwasaki. "The Mathematical
Bases for Qualitative Reasoning." IEEE Expert, April,
Causal Reasoning:
- Y. Iwasaki and H. A. Simon. "Causality and Model Abstraction." Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 67(1), May 1994.
- Y. Iwasaki and H. A. Simon. "Retrospective on `Causality in
Device Behavior'." Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 59, Nos
1-2, 1993.
- Y. Iwasaki. "Causal Ordering Analysis." Qualitative
Simulation Modeling & Analysis. Paul A. Fishwick and Paul
A. Luker ed. Springer-Verlag. 1991.
- Y. Koizumi and Y. Iwasaki. "Knowledge-Level Analysis of the User
Interface Design for a Compositional Modeling System" Proceedings of
the IFIP Conference on Domain Knowledge for Interactive System Design,
1996. Chapman & Hall. Also available as KSL-96-12,
- A. Levy, Y. Iwasaki and H. Motoda. "Acquiring (Ir)relevance
Knowledge for Problem Solving." Proceedings of the Japanese
Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop,