Anthony G. Loeser

75 Valencia Ct.
Portola Valley, CA 94028
home: 650 851-2720
work: 650 723-6707
office: Gates 250, Stanford University

Objective: To launch a career that will eventually include both software research and development, focussing on practical applications. My technical interests span most of applied artificial intelligence, while my specific experience is in knowledge representation and reasoning.

Stanford University (1991 - present)
9/96-6/98 MS Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence.
Prof. Richard Fikes, research advisor.
Research: Knowledge representation and reasoning, including work with ontologies, compositional modeling, abstraction, and verification.
How Things Work Project: Tested and maintained the Compositional Device Modeling Environment, the group's experimental tool for declarative modeling and simulation of physical devices. Wrote physics ontologies for CDME. Supported corporate users.
Verification: Designed and implemented a tool for verification of behavior in hybrid physical systems, using mathematical proofs. Designed algorithms for proving physical safety properties. Implemented a working system in Common Lisp. Tested on sample problems.
Coursework: Pursued interests in AI including machine learning, knowledge representation, Bayesian statistics, reasoning algorithms, nonmonotonic logic, automated program synthesis, and architectures for intelligent agents. Elective coursework in program verification and parallel architecture and programming, as well as entrepreneurship and management of technology business.
9/91-9/96 PhD Physics, Condensed Matter Experiments.
Prof. Zhi-Xun Shen, research advisor.
Research: Designed and performed experiments that constrain candidate theories of high temperature superconductivity (HTS). Achieved first direct measurement of electronic energy gap in metallic state of HTS (pub #11). Principle technique and thesis topic was angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). 17 publications . Paper #11 was one of the ten most often cited physics articles in the year 1997.
Program Leadership: Designed and built ARPES system with world leading energy resolution, planned for incremental functionality and results from system during development, wrote sections of grant proposals and progress reports, and trained younger graduate students.
Implementation Versatility: Designed, built, maintained, and operated physics experiments of all sizes, from beamlines on 3GeV electron storage ring, to room sized spectroscopy systems, down to table top widgets. Wide experience ranges from ultra-high vacuum design, refrigeration, materials growth, and electron optics to plumbing and machining. Wrote and used various computer programs to facilitate experiments and analyze data.
Teaching: General physics for one year - lectured, led recitation section, laboratory.
Harvard University (1987 - 1991)
AB cum laude in Physics and Mathematics
Harvard College scholarship 1990, Dean's list each year.
6/90-8/91 Faculty Aide, Applied Physics dept. with Prof. J. Golovchenko.
Research involved epitaxial semiconductor growth (pub #2), and thin metal overlayers.
12/89-6/90 Research Assistant, Applied Physics dept. with Prof. C. Lobb.
Designed fluid mechanics experiment and computer simulation (pub #1).
9/91-9/96 Research Assistant, Harvard College Observatory with Dr. C. Jones (x-ray astronomy).
Computer Proficient languages: Common Lisp, C++, C.
Familiar from use: Java, Scheme, Prolog, Verilog, Fortran, Pascal, ML, elisp, Mac toolbox.
Experience with knowledge representations such as KIF, OKBC, Ontolingua, CML.
Electronics Analog and digital design and repair, test and measurement, including computer interface.
Languages French, German.
Competition Ultimate frisbee, chess (USCF expert '88), other sports, games
Fencing: Harvard varsity '87-91, captain '90-91, twice All-Ivy, 2 NCAA nationals
organized JV fencing team at Harvard '89-91, varsity assistant coach at Stanford, '92-93
Music Piano, violin, viola, voice, bass, currently acoustic guitar.

list of publications

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