Paper 11 has been identified as one of the 10 most cited physics articles in 1997 by a citation-tracking algorithm at the Institute for Scientific Information.
Paper 3 was identified as one of the 10 most cited physics articles in 1994 in the same manner.
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With the exception of 15, all of the following articles are published in refereed journals.
[16] Z.-X. Shen, J.M. Harris and A.G. Loeser, Excitation gap in the normal and superconducting state of underdoped BiSrCaDyCuO thin film and single crystals. Hyperfine Interactions 105:13 (1997)
[15] (conference paper) Z.-X. Shen, J.M. Harris and A.G. Loeser, Anomalous energy gap in the normal and superconducting state of underdoped BiSrCaDyCuO thin films and single crystals. Proceedings of the 10th Anniversary HTS workshop on Physics, Materials, and Applications, B. Batlogg and C.W. Chu, eds., p.240 (1996)
[14] P.J. White, Z.-X. Shen, C. Kim, J.M. Harris, A.G. Loeser, A. Kapitulnik and P. Fournier, Rapid suppression of the superconducting gap in overdoped Bi2212. Physical Review B 54:R15669 (1996)
[13] A.G. Loeser, Z.-X. Shen and D.S. Dessau, Doping dependence of BiSCCO in the normal state. Physica C 263:208 (1996).
[12] A.G. Loeser, Z.-X. Shen and D.S. Dessau, Electronic structure and momentum dependence of BiSCCO in the normal and superconducting state. Journal of Superconductivity 9:373 (1996).
A.G. Loeser, Z.-X. Shen, D.S. Dessau, D.S. Marshall, C.-H. Park, P. Fournier
and A. Kapitulnik, Excitation gap in the normal state of underdoped
BiSCCO. Science 273:325 (1996).
For a perspective on this paper, see N.P. Ong "Cuprates Fall into a Gap" in
the same issue.
[10] D.S. Dessau, D.S. Marshall, A.G. Loeser, C.-H. Park, A.Y. Matsuura, Z.-X. Shen, P. Fournier, A. Kapitulnik, K. Kishio, J. Eckstein and I. Bozovic. Evolution of the electronic structure with doping in BiSCCO - angle resolved photoemission results. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 78:167 (1996).
[9] D.S. Marshall, D.S. Dessau, A.G. Loeser, C.-H. Park, A.Y. Matsuura, J.N. Eckstein, I. Bozovic, P. Fournier, A. Kapitulnik, W.E. Spicer and Z.-X. Shen. Unconventional electronic structure evolution with hole doping in BiSCCO: angle-resolved photoemission results. Physical Review Letters 76:4841 (1996).
[8] C.-H. Park, Z.-X. Shen, A.G. Loeser, D.S. Dessau, D.G. Mandrus, A. Migliori, J. Sarrao and Z. Fisk. Direct observation of a narrow band near the gap edge of FeSi. Physical Review B 52:R16981 (1995).
[7] D.M. King, D.S. Dessau, A.G. Loeser, Z.-X. Shen and B.O. Wells, Electronic structure evolution from Mott insulator to superconductor - an angle-resolved photoemission investigation. Journal of the Physics and Chemistry of Solids 56:1865 (1995).
[6] A.G. Loeser, Z.-X. Shen, D.S. Dessau and W.E. Spicer, Photoemission studies of the Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O valence band. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 66:359 (1994).
[5] D.S. Dessau, Z.-X. Shen, D.M. King, D.S Marshall, L.W. Lombardo, P.H. Dickinson, A.G. Loeser, J. DiCarlo, C.-H. Park, A. Kapitulnik and W.E. Spicer, Key features in the measured band structure of BiSCCO: flat bands at Ef and Fermi surface nesting. Physical Review Letters 71:2781 (1993).
[4] D.M. King, Z.-X. Shen, D.S. Dessau, B.O. Wells, W.E. Spicer, A.J. Arko, D.S. Marshall, J. DiCarlo, A.G. Loeser, C.-H. Park, E.R. Ratner and J.L. Peng, Fermi surface and electronic structure of NdCeCuO. Physical Review Letters 70:3159 (1993).
[3] Z.-X. Shen, D.S. Dessau, B.O. Wells, D.M. King, W.E. Spicer, A.J. Arko, D. Marshall, L.W. Lombardo, A. Kapitulnik, P. Dickinson, S. Doniach, J. DiCarlo, A.G. Loeser and C.-H. Park, Anomalously large gap anisotropy in the a-b plane of BiSrCaCuO. Physical Review Letters 70:1553 (1993).
[1] Fulin Xiong, E. Ganz, A.G. Loeser, J.A. Golovchenko and F. Spaepen, Liquid-metal-mediated homoepitaxial film growth of Ge at low temperature. Applied Physics Letters 59:3586 (1991).