Yumi Iwasaki's List of Publications
Reasoning about Functions:
- Y. Iwasaki, K. Oguchi. "Function-Based Product Retrieval: Progress Report" Proceedings of the Tenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium (FLAIRS-97). , May, 1997. Postscript
- Y. Iwasaki, R. Fikes, A. Farquhar, and R. Engelmore. "Function-Based Engineering Part Retrieval." Working Notes of AAAI Workshop on Modeling and Reasoning with Function, August, 1996.
- Y. Iwasaki, M. Vescovi, R. Fikes and B. Chandrasekaran. "A Causal
Functional Representation Language with Behavior-Based Semantics."
Applied Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 9(1), pp. 5-31,
January-February 1995.
- B. Chandrasekaran, A. Goel, and Y. Iwasaki. "Functional
Representation as Design Rationale." IEEE Computer,
January 1993.
- Y. Iwasaki, R. Fikes, M. Vescovi, and B. Chandrasekaran. "How
Things are Intended to Work: Capturing Functional Knowledge in Device
Design." Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, 1993. Also available as KSL 93-39.
- M. Vescovi, Y. Iwasaki, R. Fikes, and B. Chandrasekaran. "CFRL:
A Language for Specifying the Causal Functionality of Engineered
Devices." Proceedings of the Eleventh National Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, 1993. Also available as KSL 93-38.
- Y. Iwasaki and B. Chandrasekaran. "Design verification through
function and behavior-oriented representations: Bridging the gap
between function and behavior." Proceedings of the Second
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Design,
Model Formulation:
- Y. Iwasaki, A. Farquhar, R. Fikes, and J. Rice.
"A web-based compositional modeling systems for sharing of physical
Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence
. AAAI Press/The MIT Press. August 1997.
file (missing a figure).
- D. Bobrow, B. Falkenhainer, A. Farquhar, R. Fikes, K. Forbus,
T. Gruber, Y. Iwasaki, and B. Kuipers. "A Compositional Modeling
Language". Working Notes of The Tenth International Workshop
on Qualitative Reasoning, Iwasaki & Farquhar (eds). AAAI Technical
Report WS-96-01. AAAI Press. May 1996.
- Alon Y. Levy, Y. Iwasaki, and Richard Fikes. "Automated Model Selection for Simulation Based on Relevance Reasoning."
To appear in Artificial Intelligence.
- D. Chi and Y. Iwasaki. "Abstraction Framework for Compositional
Modeling." Working Notes of the Eighth International Workshop
on Qualitative Reasoning about Physical Systems, June 1994.
- Y. Iwasaki. "Compositional Modeling." The Journal of the
Japanese Society of Instrumentation and Control Engineering,
Vol. 32, No. 9, 1993. In Japanese.
- Y. Iwasaki and A. Levy. "Automated Model Selection for
Simulation." Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, 1994. Also available as KSL 93-11.
- A. Levy, Y. Iwasaki and H. Motoda. "Relevance reasoning to guide
compositional modeling." Proceedings of the Pacific Rim
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1992.
- Y. Iwasaki. "Two model abstraction techniques based on temporal
grain size: aggregation and mixed models." Proceedings of the
Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, August 1989.
- Y. Iwasaki and I. Bhandari. "Formal Basis for Commonsense
Abstraction of Dynamic Systems." Proceedings of The Seventh
National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1988.
Hybrid Systems:
- Y. Iwasaki, A. Farquhar, V. Saraswat, D. Bobrow, and V. Gupta.
"Modeling Time in Hybrid Systems: How Fast is 'Instantaneous'?"
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, 1995.
Model-Based Reasoning:
- Y. Iwasaki, R. Engelmore, G. Fehr, R. Fikes, A. Farquhar, and
T. Gruber. "Operator Procedure Verification with a Rapidly
Reconfigurable Simulator." Proceedings of the Third
International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and
Automation for Space, 1994.
- Y. Iwasaki, and C. M. Low. "Model Generation and Simulation of
Device Behavior with Continuous and Discrete Changes."
Intelligent Systems Engineering, Vol 1, No. 2, 1993.
Also available as Technical Report, KSL 91-69, Knowledge Systems
Laboratory, Stanford University, 1991.
- Y. Iwasaki and C. M. Low. "Device Modeling Environment: An
Integrated Model Formulation-Simulation Environment for Continuous
and Discrete Phenomena." Proceedings of the First International
Conference on Intelligent Systems Engineering, 1992.
- Y. Iwasaki. "Reasoning with multiple abstraction models."
Recent Advances in Qualitative Physics. B. Faltings and
P. Struss (eds.) . MIT Press. 1992.
- Y. Iwasaki. "Towards an integrated model-based reasoning
environment." Computer Kagaku, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1991. In
Semi-Quantitative Reasoning:
- M. Vescovi, A. Farquhar, and Y. Iwasaki. "Numerical Interval
Simulation: Bounding Behaviors of Non-Monotonic Systems."
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, 1995.
Application of Qualitative Reasoning:
- R. Fruchter, K. H. Law, and Y. Iwasaki. "An Approach for
Qualitative Structural Analysis." AI EDAM, Vol 7(3),
pp. 189-207, 1993.
- R. Fruchter, K. H. Law, and Y. Iwasaki. "QSTRUC: An Approach for
Qualitative Structural Analysis." Computing Systems in
Engineering, Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence, 1992.
An earlier version is in the Proceedings of the Second
International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence
Techniques to Civil and Structural Engineering. Also available
as Technical Report, KSL-91-80, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford
University, 1991, and as CIFE Technical Report No. 63, Center for
Integrated Facility Engineering, Stanford University, 1992.
- R. Fruchter, Y. Iwasaki, H. Krawinkler, and
K. H. Law. "Qualitative Interpretation of Structures."
Preliminary Stages of Engineering Analysis and Modeling Workshop
held in conjunction with the 2nd International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence in Design, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, 1992, pp. 15-21.
- R. Fruchter, Y. Iwasaki, K. H. Law. "Generating Qualitative
Models for Structural Engineering Analysis and Design."
Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Computing in Civil
Engineering, 1991.
- H. Lambert, L. Eshelman, and Y. Iwasaki. "Using Qualitative
Physics to Guide the Acquisition of Diagnostic Knowledge."
Proceedings of The Third International Conference on
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, 1988.
Qualitative Reasoning in General:
- Y. Iwasaki. "Real world applications of qualitative reasoning: Introduction to the special issue". IEEE Expert: Intelligence Systems. Special issue on applications of qualitative reasoning. June 1997.
- Y. Iwasaki. "Qualitative reasoning and the sciences of design". IEEE Expert: Intelligence Systems. Special issue on AI in Design. D. Brown and W. Birmingham, eds. April 1997.
- Y. Iwasaki. "Qualitative physics beyond automated mathematics."
Computational Intelligence, Vol 8, No. 2, May 1992.
- J. Kalagnanam, H. A. Simon., and Y. Iwasaki. "The Mathematical
Bases for Qualitative Reasoning." IEEE Expert, April,
- Y. Iwasaki. "Future prospective on applications of qualitative
reasoning." The special issue on applications of qualitative
reasoning of the Journal of Information Processing Society of
Japan, Vol. 32, No. 2, 1991. In Japanese.
- Y. Iwasaki. "Qualitative Physics." The Handbook of
Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 4. Edited by A. Barr, P. Cohen,
and E. Feigenbaum, 1989.
Causal Reasoning:
- Y. Iwasaki and H. A. Simon. "Causality and Model Abstraction." Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 67(1), May 1994.
- Y. Iwasaki and H. A. Simon. "Retrospective on `Causality in
Device Behavior'." Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 59, Nos
1-2, 1993.
- Y. Iwasaki. "Causal Ordering Analysis." Qualitative
Simulation Modeling & Analysis. Paul A. Fishwick and Paul
A. Luker ed. Springer-Verlag. 1991.
- Y. Iwasaki. "On the relationship between model abstraction and
causality." Proceedings of The Pacific Rim International
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1990.
- H. Simon and Y. Iwasaki. "Causal Ordering, Comparative Statics,
and Near Decomposability." Journal of Econometrics,
Vol. 39, No. 1/2, 1988.
- Y. Iwasaki. "Qualitative, Causal Reasoning about Device
Behavior." Proceedings of the International Workshop on
Artificial Intelligence of Industrial Applications, 1988.
- Y. Iwasaki. "Causal Ordering in a Mixed Structure."
Proceedings of The Seventh National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, 1988.
- Y. Iwasaki and H. Simon. "Causality in Device Behavior."
Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 29, No. 1, 1986.
- Y. Iwasaki and H. Simon. "Theory of Causal Ordering: Reply to De Kleer and Brown." Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 29, No. 1, 1986.
- Y. Iwasaki. "Model-Based Reasoning of Device Behavior with Causal
Ordering." Ph. D. Thesis. CMU-CS-88-172, Department of Computer
Science, Carnegie Mellon University, 1988.
Reasoning with Diagrams:
- S. Tessler, Y. Iwasaki, and K. H. Law. "REDRAW -- a diagrammatic
reasoning system for qualitative structural analysis". Advances
in Engineering Software, Vol. 25, pp. 149-159, 1996.
- Y. Iwasaki. "Problem Solving with Diagrams: Introduction."
Diagrammatic Reasoning: Computational and Cognitive Perspectives
on Problem Solving with Diagrams. J. Glasgow,
B. Chandrasekaran, and H. Narayanan, eds. AAAI Press.
- Y. Iwasaki, S. Tessler, and K. H. Law. "REDRAW: Diagrammatic
Reasoner for Qualitative Structural Analysis." Diagrammatic
Reasoning: Computational and Cognitive Perspectives on Problem Solving
with Diagrams. J. Glasgow, B. Chandrasekaran, and
H. Narayanan, eds. AAAI Press.
- S. Tessler, Y. Iwasaki, and K. Law. "Qualitative Structural
Analysis Using Diagrammatic Reasoning." Proceedings of the
Fourteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, 1995.
- Y. Iwasaki. "Use of diagrams in qualitative reasoning." Special
issue on diagrammatic reasoning of the Journal of Japanese
Society of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 9, No. 2, March 1994.
In Japanese.
- S. Tessler, Y. Iwasaki and K. H. Law. "REDRAW - Diagrammatic
Reasoning System for Qualitative Structural Analysis."
Knowledge Based Systems for Civil and Structural Engineering,
CIVIL-COMP 93, the Fifth International Conference on Civil and
Structural Engineering Computing and the Third International
Conference in the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil and
Structural Engineering, pp. 227-234, 1993.
- B. Chandrasekaran, N. H. Narayanan, and Y. Iwasaki. "Reasoning
with Diagrammatic Representations: A Report on the AAAI Spring
Symposium, March 25-27, 1992." AI Magazine, Vol. 14,
No. 2, 1993.
- R. Fruchter, Y. Iwasaki, and H. Krawinkler. "Diagrammatic
Reasoning in Interdisciplinary Communication." Symposium:
Reasoning with Diagrammatic Representations, AAAI Spring Symposium
Series, Stanford University, Stanford 1992.
Experiment Planning:
- P. Friedland and Y. Iwasaki. "The Concept and Implementation of
Skeletal Plans." Automated Reasoning, Vol. 1, No. 2,
- R. Bach, Y. Iwasaki and P. Friedland. "Intelligent Computational
Assistance for Experiment Design." Nucleic Acid
Research, Vol. 12, 1984.
- P. Friedland, L. Kedes, D. Brutlag, Y. Iwasaki and R. Bach.
"Genesis: A Knowledge-Based Genetic Engineering Simulation System for
Representation of Genetic Data and Experiment Planning."
Nucleic Acid Research, Vol. 10, 1982.
- Y. Iwasaki and P. Friedland. "SPEX: A Second Generation
Experiment Design System." Proceedings of the National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 1982.
- Y. Koizumi and Y. Iwasaki. "Knowledge-Level Analysis of the User
Interface Design for a Compositional Modeling System" Proceedings of
the IFIP Conference on Domain Knowledge for Interactive System Design,
1996. Chapman & Hall. Also available as KSL-96-12. Postscript
- A. Levy, Y. Iwasaki and H. Motoda. "Acquiring (Ir)relevance
Knowledge for Problem Solving." Proceedings of the Japanese
Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop,
- R. Keller, C. Baudin, Y. Iwasaki, P. Nayak, K. Tanaka. "Compiling
Redesign Plans and Diagnosis Rules from a Structure/Behavior Device
Model." Knowledge Aided Design. Marc Green, (ed.).
Academic Press. 1992.
- C. Hollander and Y. Iwasaki. "The Drilling Advisor: An Expert
System Application." Proceedings of COMPCON-83, 1983
- C. Hollander, Y. Iwasaki, J. Courteille and C. Fabre. "The
Drilling Advisor." Proceedings of Conference on Trends and
Applications, 1983.