Mikito Iwamasa
Alternative Homepage is here (iwamasa@hpp.stanford.edu)
KSL Affiliation/Position:
Visiting Scholar(1/95 - 6/96)
Computer Forum
Research/Professional Interests:
I am working with How Things Work Project
I am also interested in information exchange/integration based on ontology
Personal Research Statement:
I am interested in computer-aided information exchange/integration. I think ontology is useful for this task, because it can describe not only the taxonomy of the domain but also the underlying structure of the domain theory.
I am investigating a case study of a systematic methodology to translate ontology from arbitrary representation, and a methodology to minimize the loss in the translation using the logical aspect of the ontology.
I am conveying this investigation with an example to convert VHDL CAD data into a Generic Frame Knowledge Base, using Ontolingua as an translating tool.
Education/Other Relevant Experience:
- B.S.(1987) M.S.(1989)
- Faculty of Science, Kyoto University,JAPAN
- Software Researcher(1989-now)
- Advanced Reasoning Group
Systems and Software Engineering Lab.
Personal Interests:
Marathon, Classical Music, News Paper
Abstracts and PostScript versions of Mikito Iwamasa's KSL papers are coming soon(hopefully).
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