Knowledge Systems Laboratory
Gates building 2A, room 248
Stanford, CA 94305
TEL: (650)725-3859
FAX: (650)725-5850
E-mail: (Japanese OK)
The stanford area code was changing to 650 effective August 2nd, 1997
I'm a Visiting Scholar of the Knowledge Systems Laboratory in the
Computer Science Department of
Stanford University
Computer forum
I am currently working on the financial ontology design.
And I am interested in agent based application using java.
BS, MS in Science Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
New York Representative Office, Yamaichi
Information Systems Co.,Ltd, Japan,1995-present
fishing, tennis, travel...
My family: my wife is Mitsuko Takahashi
Mitsuko's and my friends: Barbara-san,
Mr.and Mrs.Katayama,
My co-worker Mr.Hata
This file was last updated on August 13, 1997 by