Asuncion Gomez-Perez
E-Mail Address:,
KSL Affiliation/Position:
HPP: knowledge sharing project
Visiting Scholar
Research/Professional Interests:
Knowledge Representation
Evaluation and Assessment of the Knowledge Sharing Technology
Personal Research Statement:
I'm currently working on the Knowledge Sharing Project,
to develop a framework that allows evaluate the
knowledge sharing technology.
Education/Other Relevant Experience:
PhD and BS in Computer Sciences, Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM),
MSc in Knowledge Engineering, UPM
Coordinator of the Master in Knowledge Engineer and Software Engineer,
UPM, 1992 -
Assistant Professor in the Artificial Intelligence Course, UPM, 1991-
Abstracts and PostScript versions of Asuncion Gomez-Perez's KSL papers are available here.
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