onto-std.archive by subject
Starting: Thu 22 Feb 1996 - 06:17:08 PST
Ending: Thu 21 May 1998 - 00:05:33 PST
Messages: 189
- (Fwd) WG10 workshop on Architectures for Industrial Data
- 11/6-11/7 Ontology meeting attendees
- 2nd Workshop on Product Knowledge Sharing and Integration
- 9:00 am start time for ad hoc group
- [ontology minutes]
- [Tentative T2 Meeting Date and Location]
- A simplistic definition of "ontology"
- ACM MM97 and ASSETS98
- add me to the list
- agenda for next meeting?
- ANSI ad hoc group - meeting 9/16 & 9/17
- ANSI ad hoc group - ontology
- ANSI Ontology Meeting Agenda
- Any work going on?
- August meeting of ANSI ad hoc group on ontology
- Basic top-level categories
- BSR Developments
- CFP: Formal Ontology in Information Systems - Dealine approaching!
- CFP: Symposium on Ontological Engineering
- CFP: Ws on Product Knowledge Sharing for Integrated Enterprises
- CFPs: 2nd Euromicro Work.Conf. on Soft.Maint. & Reeng., Florence
- CFPs:Euromicro Work.Conf.on Soft.Maint.&Reeng. in Florence
- CG: Principles of ontology
- Conf. Prog.: CSMR98+REF98: Maintenance & Reengineering in Florence
- Copy of invitation letter sent to members of EAGLES group
- Draft upper level on ontolingua server
- EDR's current activities
- email address change
- example ontologies?
- Extended deadline IJCAI Ontology workshop
- for the agenda Nov 6
- Forwarding note from Nicola Guarino
- Hayes' scrutiny of Top 40
- IJCAI-97 Workshop on Ontologies and Multilingual NLP
- IJCAI-97 Workshop on Ontologies: extended deadline
- Intensions vs. extensions
- Joining the ontology mailing list
- Joint Standards Workshop
- Joint Standards Workshop - Be Warned!
- Knowledge Bus and RDF
- looking at the merged ontology
- mailing list
- Metadata Registry Workshop - CFP Deadline
- Metadata Registry Workshop Deadline Extended
- Minutes of 9/96 meeting
- minutes of the Mar. 4-5 meeting are on the web
- Multiple ontology messages
- My new address
- NCITS T2 May Meeting Announcement
- NCITS T2 Meeting Planning
- NCITS T2 Standards Meeting
- New Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Journal: Contents Vol 1:1 and CFP (fwd)
- New literature on ontology and mereology
- new member of onto-std list
- next meeting of ad hoc group
- November meeting
- Ontologies for NLP
- Ontology - EDR
- Ontology Meeting
- Ontology overview on web
- ontology standard
- Ontology Standards developments in Europe
- Ontology standards repository
- Pangloss top level ontology
- parking
- Peirce's Categories
- Peirce's lectures on pragmatism
- Please post: Visiting positions at CRL
- please reply
- presentation material from Nov. 6 meeting
- Principles of ontology
- Prototypes
- SIGLEX Web Site
- Speech and Language Technology (SALT) Club Workshop on EVALUATION IN
- Spring ANSI NCITS/T2 Mtg. Planning
- Standard Ontology
- Structuring relations for the R.O.
- T2 Meeting -- Important Change Notice & Reminder
- T2 Meeting Announcement & Agenda
- T2 Meeting Postponement
- T2 meeting#40 summary
- Terminological ontology
- Test message
- Theory session
- Thirdness
- TOOLS USA '97 Conference: Invitation for Panel and Workshop topics
- Top 40
- Top 40 Concepts
- Top level ontology
- Upper level on ontolingua server (11/18/97 downtime)
- upper level ontology files
- web page for ad hoc group on ontology standards
- WordNet treelike
- WordNet treelike]
- X3T2 draft agenda, meeting #39
- X3T2 Meeting - Early Reminder
- X3T2 meeting announcement and agenda
Last message date: Thu 21 May 1998 - 00:05:33 PST
Archived on: Tue Jan 05 1999 - 05:01:58 PST
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.