[Big KSL Logo] [Knowledge Systems, AI Laboratory]

The Knowledge Systems Lab (KSL) is an artificial intelligence research laboratory within the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University. Current work focuses on knowledge representation for sharable engineering knowledge bases and systems, computational environments for modelling physical devices, architectures for adaptive intelligent systems, and expert systems for science and engineering.


Technical Reports

[KSL Hypercube logo] Interactive Network Services
KSL provides access to running research and development software systems over the World Wide Web. This is an important component of our strategy to disseminate our research results. These systems are not demos, they are real running systems. Anyone can access and use them with a standard web browser at http://ksl-web-web-svc.stanford.edu. Current services include:

[Small Ontolingua logo] Ontolingua Server
Provides a distributed collaborative environment to browse, create, edit, modify, and use ontologies. The server supports over 150 active users, some of which have provided us with descriptions of their projects.

[Small CML logo] Other Services
There are a growing number of additional services such as a Webster gateway, CML model fragment editor, a multiple perspective data structure inspector, equation solving, automatic explanation of device behavior, and so on.

Current Projects

How Things Work

  • Project Overview
  • 1995 Proposal
  • Demonstrations

    Knowledge Sharing Technology

    Several projects are underway to explore different aspects of knowledge representation, sharing, and reuse.

    Ontolingua Server
    Our Ontolingua Server is central to many of our knowledge representation projects and a growing number of projects around the world. It provides a distributed collaborative environment to browse, create, edit, modify, and use ontologies. We encourage you to try it - all you need is a web-browser.
    Large-scale Repositories of Reusable Knowledge
    As part of the DARPA-sponsored program on High Performance Knowledge Bases (HPKB), we are developing technology to support collaborative construction and effective use of distributed large-scale repositories of highly expressive reusable ontologies.
  • Project Overview
  • Slides of the presentation made at the West Coast kickoff meeting.
    Network-based Information Brokers
  • Project Overview
    Ontology-based Product Identification
  • Project Overview
    Technology for Enhanced Reuse of Design Objects
  • Project Overview
    Sources of Information on Ontologies and Knowledge Representation
  • We have created a web page containing sources of information on ontologies and knowledge representation. Comments are welcome.
  • The panel discussion of ontologies presented at the 1996 Knowledge Representation Conference is now available.
  • The DARPA Knowledge Sharing Library provides a digital library of papers, email discussion lists, software, and pointers to related projects. Reusable ontologies that were formerly found at this URL are now available interactively through the Ontolingua Server.
  • Adaptive Intelligent Systems

  • Overview
  • AIbots
  • Guardian
  • CAIT

  • Related Organizations and Projects

    Section on Medical Informatics (SMI)
    The Section on Medical Informatics (SMI) is an interdisciplinary academic and research group within the Department of Medicine in Stanford's School of Medicine. The SMI brings together researchers in medical informatics who are concerned with the use of information technology to solve problems in clinical medicine and the biomedical sciences.
    MADEFAST is a collaboration among the national community of researchers funded under the DARPA RaDEO program. RaDEO stands for Rapid Design, Exploration and Optimization. The program was formerly known as MADE, for Manufacturing Automation and Design Environment.
    Other Related Organizations
    WWW offerings of other projects and organizations related to the KSL's work.

    Other Site Information

    Last modified: March 24, 1997