Summarizing the Complete Scenario

While DME is running the simulation, it records the status of all the components in the system in each state. Using this information, DME can summarize the important events that happened during the scenario, choosing salient states and changes in values. The salience heuristics are domain independent.

Summary of the complete scenario


At T=5.00s (State 2), the operator modified the leak of leg to thruster 1. As a result, leg to thruster 1 was leaking seriously and no longer airtight. As a consequence the quantity of gas in the helium-tank (N.He-tank) was decreasing significantly faster and the quantity of gas in the oxygen-tank (N.O2-tank) was decreasing significantly faster.

At T=9.00s (State 4), the operator modified the statuses of thrusters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. As a result, thrusters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 were closed and no longer working normally.

At T=22.00s (State 6), the operator modified the statuses of isolation-valves for manifolds 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. As a result, isolation-valves for manifolds 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 were closed and no longer open. As a consequence N.O2-tank was sharply increasing.

At T=35.00s (State 8), the operator modified the status of isolation-valve for manifold 1. As a result, isolation-valve for manifold 1 was open and no longer closed. As a consequence N.He-tank was decreasing significantly faster and N.O2-tank was sharply decreasing.

The system was simulated from T=35.00s to T=37.91s, when the pressure at the input-terminal of primary-regulator A (PIn[Pr-reg-A]) reached 1.75E+6, which is one of its landmarks. As a result, primary-regulator A was in pass through mode and no longer regulating normally.

At T=40.41s (State 11), the operator modified the statuses of isolation-valves for manifolds 1 and 2. the status of thruster 2. As a result,

As a consequence N.O2-tank was increasing.

At T=73.41s (State 13), the operator modified the statuses of isolation-valves for manifolds 3, 4 and 5. the statuses of thrusters 3, 4 and 5. As a result,

As a consequence N.He-tank was decreasing significantly slower and N.O2-tank was decreasing significantly faster.

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Let's take a look at a summary of a individual state in the simulation.

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