An theory for demonstrating how to specify a design task. It uses the VT-domain domain theory.
Vt-Domain Vt-Design Configuration-Design Frame-Ontology Kif-Relations Kif-Sets Kif-Lists Kif-Numbers Kif-Meta Kif-Sets Kif-Lists ... Scalar-Quantities Physical-Quantities Frame-Ontology ... Abstract-Algebra Frame-Ontology ... Standard-Units Physical-Quantities ... Frame-Ontology ...
No theories include Vt-Example.
The following constants were used from included theories:
All constants that were mentioned were defined.
A class of elevators satisfying the given requirements, which are stated as a constraint that assigns values to some attributes.
(<=> (Example-Elevator-To-Design ?E) (And (Elevator ?E) (Valid-Component ?E) (Has-Constraint ?E (The-Constraint '(And (= (Cabheight ?E) 96) (= (Maxcarcapacity ?E) 3000) (= (Cabintercomspec ?E) No) (= (Cablanternspec ?E) No) (= (Carphonespec ?E) Yes) (= (Carpositionindicatorspec ?E) Yes ) (= (Dooropeningtype ?E) Side) (= (Doorspeedspec ?E) Double) (= (Floorheightspec ?E) 165) (= (Hoistwaydepth ?E) 110) (= (Hoistwaytofrontmbeam ?E) 3) (= (Hoistwaywidth ?E) 90) (= (Mbeamsupportdistspec ?E) 118) (= (Mbeamsupporttypespec ?E) Pocket ) (= (Machineroommbeamspec ?E) 16) (= (Openingheight ?E) 84) (= (Openingstrikesidespec ?E) Right ) (= (Openinghoistwayleftspec ?E) 32 ) (= (Dooropenwidth ?E) 42) (= (Noofopenings ?E) 6) (= (Overheadspec ?E) 192) (= (Pitdepth ?E) 72) (= (Platformheightspec ?E) 84) (= (Platformwidthspec ?E) 70) (= (Elevatorspeed ?E) 250) (= (Travelspec ?E) 729) )))))