Zeng, H.

Zeng, H.

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Zeng, H.; McIlraith, S. Experimental Results on the Satisfiable Core in Random 3SAT. Ninth International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics, January 4-6, 2006, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 2006.

McGuinness, D.L.; Zeng, H.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.; Ding, L.; Narayanan, D.; Bhaowal, M. Investigations into Trust for Collaborative Information Repositories: A Wikipedia Case Study. The Workshop on the Models of Trust for the Web (MTW'06), Edinburgh, Scotland, May 22, 2006. 2006.

Zeng, H.; Alhossaini, M.; Ding, L.; Fikes, R.; McGuinness, D.L. Computing Trust from Revision History. The 2006 International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST 2006) Markham, Ontario, Canada October 30 -- November 1, 2006.

McGuinness, D.L.; Ding, L.; Glass, A.; Chang, C.; Zeng, H.; Furtado, V. Explanation Interfaces for the Semantic Web: Issues and Models. Proceedings of the 3rd International Semantic Web User Interaction Workshop (SWUI'06) November , 2006.

Zeng, H.; Alhossaini, M.; Fikes, R.; McGuinness, D.L. Mining Revision History to Assess Trustworthiness of Article Fragments. The 2nd International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (collaboratecom'06) Atlanta, Georgia, USA, November 17th - 20th, 2006.

Zeng, H.; Fikes, R. Explaining Data Incompleteness in Knowledge Aggregation. Technical Report, Knowledge Systems, AI Laboratory, Stanford University. 2005.

Zeng, H.; Fikes, R. Extracting Assumptions from Missing Data. Context representation and reasoning 2005, proceedings of the first international workshop 2005.

Zeng, H.; McGuinness, D.L.; Pinheiro da Silva, P.; Fikes, R. Explaining Results from Information Retrieval and Integration. International Symposium on Explanation-aware Computing, AAAI Symposium, Washington, D.C., November 3-6, 2005 2005.

Zeng, H.; McIlraith, S. The Role of Redundant Clauses in Solving Satisfiability Problems (extended abstract), CP-2005 (the Eleventh International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming), October 1-5, 2005, Barcelona, Spain. 2005.

McIlraith, S.; Son, T.; & Zeng, H. Mobilizing the Web with DAML-Enabled Web Services. The Second International Workshop on the Semantic Web (SemWeb'2001) at WWW-10., May 2001, 2001.

Ankolekar, A.; Burstein, M.; Hobbs, J.; Lassila, O.; Martin, D.; McIlraith, S.; Narayanan, S.; Paolucci, M.; Payne, T.; Sycara, K.; & Zeng, H. DAML-S: Semantic Markup for Web Services. Proceedings of the International Semantic Web Working Symposium (SWWS), July 30-August 1, 2001., 2001.

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