Keller, R.
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- KSL-89-49
- Keller, R. M.; Baudin, C.; Iwasaki, Y.; Nayak, P.; & Tanaka, K. Compiling Special-Purpose Rules from General-Purpose Device Modeling. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1989.
- KSL-89-50
- Keller, R. M.; Baudin, C.; Iwasaki, Y.; Nayak, P.; & Tanaka, K. Compiling Diagnosis Rules and Redesign Plans from a Structure/Behavior Device Model: The Details. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1989.
- KSL-88-11
- Keller, R. M. Operationality and Generality in Explanation-Based Learning: Separate dimensions or opposite endpoints? Stanford, CA, 1988.
- KSL-88-57
- Keller, R. M. Learning Approximate Concept Descriptions. July 1988, 1988.
- KSL-87-60
- Keller, R. M. Defining Operationality for Explanation-Based Learning. 1987.
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