Hayes, P.

Hayes, P.

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Pinheiro da Silva, P.; Hayes, P.; McGuinness, D. L.; Fikes, R.; & Deshwal, P. Towards Checking Hybrid Proofs. Technical Report, Knowledge Systems, AI Laboratory, Stanford University., 2005.

Pinheiro da Silva, P.; Hayes, P.; McGuinness, D. L.; & Fikes, R. PPDR: A Proof Protocol for Deductive Reasoning. Technical Report, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University., 2004, 2004.

Fikes, R.; Hayes, P.; & Horrocks, I. OWL-QL - A Language for Deductive Query Answering on the Semantic Web. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 2003.

Fikes, R.; Hayes, P.; & Horrocks, I. DQL - A Query Language for the Semantic Web. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 2002.

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